Saturday, November 14, 2009

Prostate Infection At 24



If you could see a building that is 900,000 km from me, I realize with a simple mathematical calculation that to reach the building visually to use 3 seconds. When I reached the palace are over, traveling at the speed of light: three seconds. Thus, the building that now I'm seeing and touching a building is different than that of three seconds ago.
Therefore the image of the first was a palace of the past (although I spent only 3 light-seconds).
Now What I have in front is always a picture of a palace of the past, why? Although
in milliseconds my eye to see and reach the palace com 'is take a small amount of time, so each image belongs to the past but always very recent (in the order of milliseconds) and by inference all things of the past and not a present.
Using the five senses are always interacting with things that belong to our past.
other hand, if my eye always take 3 seconds to see the same building, so that what I see, is not a palace of the past but in my mind: I
and back away from the palace at the speed of light of other three seconds (and the position to 1.8 million km away) so I cancel the space-time is old and see the image at a distance of 6 seconds exactly light the building in my present. This happens after three seconds visual, exactly when they will spend 3 seconds on my back that is new to 900,000 miles, this was the initial distance from my point of view is located midway of 6 light-seconds.
But unlike before: 3 / 2 hours to light from the building that is 900,000 km I see a building of this, and not the past as seen initially.
Additionally if I want to see my palace as usual will be in my future, I must first step back from building at the speed of light for three seconds (6 seconds = 1,800,000 km), and "now I'm in this palace, and if
further I move away from building more and the speed of light in another three seconds (900.000 km) will see the building that I have not seen one of my future and exactly 9 seconds light (2.7 million kilometers).
. In fact, starting with nine seconds
light (2,700,000 km) of my future I see a building, light and exactly three seconds after the sixth second. (6 / 2 light still 1.8 million kilometers).
from six light-seconds (1,800.000 km) will see a palace of my mind, light and exactly three seconds after the third second. (Remain 3 seconds light 900,000 km).
Starting from three light-seconds (900.000 km) will see a building of my past, I spent three seconds and light exactly at time 0, called the second impact. (0 seconds remain light with 0 km).

also spent the last three seconds remaining light I will not see more than any other building because there is no time-space so that I visually display and reach the palace: "what is past, present or future." It disappears
space / time and anything that can not be perceived in order of space / time does not exist in reality.
What I do not have to change to ensure that there is a building of past, present and future: it is the observer or better visual perceiver.
This will live their own time (only) that can perceive in different ways, but subjective.
once again being seen as unique, creates reality, time and space.
Once again a personal universe with his subjects and feelings, can not be changed by others.
Every sensation, every thing is personal and can not be duplicated in any other personal universe.

9 / 2 - = 3 / 2 to 6 ° depending on future
2,700,000 km - 900,000 km = 1,800,000 km

9 secondi -6 secondi = al 3° secondo presente
2.700.000 km – 1.800.000 km = 900.000 km

9 secondi – 9 secondi = allo 0 secondo (percepito come presente) = passato
2.700.000 km – 1.800.000 km – 900.000 km = 0 km

Al tempo zero o secondo zero, non vi è nulla, infatti, non avendo né tempo(secondi) né spazio (km) non può esistere nulla di convenzionalmente percepibile come reale.

In questo tempo zero si ha una percezione del reale diversa, una percezione dove il tempo non è,e lo spazio non sarà, quindi vi è una percezione della propria essenza che viene inglobata nel tutto. In questo punto zero, one has the perception to exist in time and space, as an active and integrated part of the whole.
Abandoning reality perceived by convention, starts at zero time, space and time without end, that is not conventional: that particular size that I can personally only our perception, experience and project.
From this point on, everything is possible, the laws of physics lose their characteristic of immutability.
From this point begins the huge zero and infinity, all in one space dimension and time that are not and are not part of this conventional reality. From this point
zero starts all in the broadest sense.

Example: dell’osservazione dell’uomo che cammina o corre, in che punto si trova esattamente “forse è già a casa e sta mangiando”


© Pacifico Gammella
Copyright 2009