Monday, February 28, 2011

Rabbit Hutches For Sale In Pa

Trails of February 12, 2011

Pubblico oggi una serie di fotografie di aerei di linea in volo ad alta quota transitati su Milano sabato 12 febbraio 2011.
Le fotografie sono state scattate con una fotocamera reflex montata su un telescopio newtoniano su montatura dobson (specchio primario 250 mm, distanza focale 1250 mm), interpondendo tra fotocamera e focheggiatore un moltiplicatore di focale 2X.
Per ciascun aereo riporto il relativo tracciato ADS-B (cortesia di ).
In fondo all'articolo, la consueta analisi dei dati atmosferici della giornata.

Air Malta A320 9H-AEQ
Air Malta A320 9H-AEQ . Altitude: 9731 m.

Air France A318 F-GUGK
Air France A318 F-GUGK . Altitude: 11575 m

S7 Airlines A319 VP-BTT
S7 Airlines A319 VP-BTT . From: DME to ALC. Altitude: 10660 m

Lufthansa RJ85 D-AVRH
Lufthansa RJ85 D-AVRH . Altitude: 9662 m

Easyjet A319 G-EZDF . Altitude: 11278 m

Easyjet A320 G-EZTK
Easyjet A320 G-EZTK . Altitude: 11278 m

Lufthansa A321 D-AISX
Lufthansa A321 D-AISX . Altitude: 10051 m

Swiss A320 HB-IJL
Swiss A320 HB-IJL . From: FCO to ZRH. Altitude: 11582

Vueling A320 EC-KLB
Vueling A320 EC-KLB . From: ORY to FCO. Altitude: 11278

EasyJet A319 HB-JZO
EasyJet A319 HB-JZO . Altitude: 11582 m

Analisi dei dati atmosferici

In base ai dati atmosferici 12Z recorded by the radiosonde launched from the station of Milan Linate (time of launch: 10:54 Z ) was widely expected the formation of condensation trails ( diagram Appleman). There were also plans, after correction Miloshevich , Mother House, the same persistence in some parts ( chart relative humidity / temperature ).

Copyright notice

Copyright © 2011 - All rights reserved. All rights reserved. To request a reproduction of the photos send an e-mail: sciemilano [at]

Monday, February 21, 2011

How To Know If A Scorpio Likes You?

making sport? Nothing better than a cruise! The 33 miners

Bowling, volleyball, ice skating, and much more this is only possible on a cruise. The ability to play sports or practice always different new activities that normally are unable to test during the year are among the reasons why more and more young people to choose this type of holiday. was revealed by the portal specializzato in crociere, Noi Crociere che evidenzia come lo sport sia uno dei motori che porta gli under 30 a scegliere di imbarcarsi per un viaggio indimenticabile.
“Oltre alla possibilità di usufruire di tanti confort, la crociera permette anche il lusso di avere tempo libero per praticare molti sport, spiega Giuseppe Gambardella fondatore di Noi Crociere. Le imbarcazioni forniscono sempre alternative diverse agli amanti dello sport, sia questo all’aria aperta che in sale fitness o strutture attrezzate.”

Le navi di ogni compagnia di crociere sono vere e proprie strutture fitness in mare e molto spesso c’è solo l’imbarazzo della scelta per decidere quale sport praticare. Le più ricercate sono le attività tradizionali che conquistano ancora di più grazie allo scenario in cui vengono praticate; in mare aperto si gioca infatti a basket, calcetto, pallavolo, e tennis grazie agli spazi polivalenti attrezzati sui ponti principali. Gli amanti delle nuove tendenze possono invece praticare sport quali: squash e shuffleboard, sperimentando queste nuove discipline, difficili da trovare nelle palestre delle città italiane.

"Tra innovazione e tradizione, i giovani sportivi, scelgono la vacanza in mare per poter dare spazio alle loro passioni, commenta Gambardella, molto spesso alla base della scelta della vacanza c’è la possibilità di praticare attività sportive e la crociera soddisfa tutti i gusti anche quelli più ricercati lovers of squash or the shuffleboard "
opportunities for young athletes do not end there though. In addition to the most common sports and the latest trends in cruising you can find fitness area equipped for Pilates, Yoga, Aerobics, Spinning and GAG. The whole ship can be turned into circuits for jogging enthusiasts who savor the pleasure of the ride, surrounded by a sea breeze of dawn or sunset amid the waves. If all this were not enough in cruise ships can also come across an ice rink and not least the rock climbing wall, a must for the new generation of travelers.

"Once on the bowling ship or the soccer field was a rarity for the cruise lines, contends Joseph Gambardella, today times have changed and to be in line with market requirements must be able to offer accommodation to 360 degrees, giving space to all forms of entertainment, suitable every age group, what better sport to make a trip to the perfect vacation? "

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Five Month Old Kittens

guests of the Chilean Ministry of Tourism in Israel

The 33 Chilean miners, rescued thanks to the sensational rescue operation last year, have accepted the invitation them in October 2010 by the Israeli Minister of Tourism, Saas Mizezhnikov to participate along with their wives on a pilgrimage to the Holy Land.
Group staying in Israel, hosted by the Israel Ministry of Tourism, from February 23 to March 2 and take part in a tour that includes visits to several Christian holy sites in Jerusalem - the Via Dolorosa, the Church of the Holy Sepulchre, the Garden of Gethsemane, the Hall the Upper Room - and other sites as the Wailing Wall and the Tomb of King David. E 'will also be a visit to the Church of the Nativity in Bethlehem. The group will also travel to the Dead Sea, Masada and Galilee to visit the Church of the Annunciation Capernaum, Mount of Beatitudes and Caesarea, and will conclude the tour in Tel Aviv and Jaffa.

On the occasion of their visit, the miners and their spouses will also be received by the President Israel's Shimon Peres. "It will be a great honor for us to give our warm welcome in the Holy Land," said the Israeli Minister of Tourism. "Your courage, fortitude and faith that has sustained during the long period spent in the bowels of the earth, for all of us have been a source of deep reflection.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Noma Programable Thermostat, Customer Help

a cruise for Valentine's Day: the new trend of young and not

Enough with the usual dinner by candlelight, stop the weekend out. This year, couples choose to celebrate Valentine's Day under the sea. This was revealed We Cruises portal specializing in booking cruises online, which posted a 11% reservation for the week including February 14.
The lovers who choose to celebrate Valentine's Day on board are aged between 35 and 45 years of age and socio-cultural level of the medium-high. Usually you choose the cruise as a gift for your loved one are mostly men, except in cases where you book directly together.
"This year many went for a cruise to your partner. Not only so there are couples who have planned together to celebrate Valentine's Day in style on board the best shipping companies, but there are also people who have decided to surprise the partner with a gift so important to share, "said Giuseppe Gambardella , founder of We Cruises.

Amongst the favorites are those that affect Spain, Morocco, Canary Islands and Madeira. Places like Barcelona, \u200b\u200bCasablanca, Tenerife and Malaga, with their warm colors and atmosphere are intoxicating, in fact, the ideal scenario for the most romantic couples.

Much appreciated, also, is the ship that takes travelers to Marseille, Barcelona, \u200b\u200bAlicante, Tangier, Casablanca, Malaga and Almeria. In ten days, less than one thousand euro, you can make a trip that includes a longer holiday.

"The Iberian Peninsula and North Africa's attract a lot of love for the encounter with different cultures, both for landscapes and atmospheres that combine romance and fun. Furthermore, the ability to have many in-flight services such as spas and areas dedicated to fitness, can be pampered and relax as a couple "special Giuseppe Gambardella.

Usually the perfect getaway for Valentine's day lasts 10 days, ranging from 9 of the Mediterranean up to the 12 of that which is Spain, Morocco and Canary Islands.

Also if this is an anniversary or a honeymoon, the majority of companies provides promotions and sconti.Le ships are the preferred class of between 4 and 5 stars. Innovative design, sophisticated technologies, spa, solarium, disco, gym and pool services are also suggest that for a Valentine's Day in the waves of love and fun.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

How Many Calories Is In Ham And Beans

Trails of 5 and 6 February 2011

Dopo alcuni mesi di digiuno, scorpacciata di scie d'aereo nel weekend a Milano grazie a un cielo senza copertura (smog a parte..), a temperature in quota molto basse (punte di quasi -68°C) e ad un traffico aereo discretamente sostenuto.
Sabato la giornata è stata caratterizzata da scie di breve durata, domenica da scie di più lunga durata. Tale differenza può essere spiegata tentativamente sulla base dei valori di umidità relativa alle tipiche quote di volo registrati domenica, sensibilmente più alti di quelli di sabato (riporto in fondo all'articolo, per chi fosse interessato, la consueta analisi dei dati atmosferici per entrambe le days).
In the days alternated periods of relative quiet, with few passages of aircraft wake, at times with multiple steps. On average I have observed and identified in each day, between 11:00 and 17:30 approximately forty aircraft wake in flight between 10000 to 12500 meters.
I took a series of photographs with aircraft wake using a SLR camera lens and a Newtonian telescope as well as identification of equipment on the site
reproduce below some of these shots (air, attached to each track on the ADS-B - courtesy of ).

Saturday 5

FedEx N801FD
FedEx A310 N801FD . Flight altitude: 10,363 m

Ryanair B737-800 EI-DHY . Flight altitude: 11,582 m.

S7 Airlines
S7 Airlines A319 VP-BTS . Flight altitude: 11,278 m

Lufthansa A321 D-aisle . From Monaco [MUC] Barcelona [BCN]. Flight altitude: 11,278 m

Lufthansa A321 D-AIRO . From Frankfurt [FRA] in Rome [FCO]. Flight altitude: 10,058 m.

Vueling A320 EC-LAA . From Paris [CDG] in Rome [FCO]

Air France A320 F- GKXH . Flight altitude: 11,880 m.

Sunday 6

Vueling A320 EC-JTR . From Paris [CDG] in Rome [FCO]. Flight altitude: 11,278 m

Air France A319 F- GRXA . From Athens [ATH] Paris [CDG].

Air France A321 F-GTAJ . Flight altitude: 11,278 m.

Analysis of atmospheric data

very low temperatures at high altitude on both days, with net conditions for the formation of contrails. Relative humidity higher in the day on Sunday, with a value close to saturation on ice at 10,668 m (after correction Miloshevich). This difference in relative humidity might explain the longer duration of contrails on Sunday than on Saturday (compare the graphs relative humidity and temperature of the two days).
We see the charts.

Saturday 5
diagram Appleman
Correction Miloshevich
Chart relative humidity / temperature

Sunday 6
diagram Appleman
Correction Miloshevich
Chart relative humidity / temperature

Copyright notice
Copyright © 2011 - All rights reserved. All rights reserved. To request a reproduction of the photos send an e-mail: sciemilano [at]

Friday, February 4, 2011

Tiffany Granath Implants

Valentine's Day in Cortina d'Ampezzo: Love is in the Air

crystal, 7 to 14 February, a week dedicated to lovers. Not by chance is called "LOVE IS IN THE AIR" everything will be studied in detail just to accommodate couples looking for romantic moments to be spent in two. The Hotel has in fact thought of some very special surprises for romantic dinners on the veranda.
Chef Marco Badalucco in Serbia has a different gourmet menu for him and her taste for tender in the first two of delightful surprises: a course tasting sweet love to dedicate the Master Pastry Chef. For those who spend the night at the Crystal There will be a special package for Valentine's Day to spend two days with every comfort and, perhaps, a touch of class, if available at check-in, couples will in fact an automatic upgrade to a superior room.

Love is in the Air: A cadeau for lovers who want to dedicate intimate moments at the Crystal. Even just a dinner, moreover, nothing better to celebrate a week of love. And as always, the Five Star Luxury attend to every particular: February 7 to 14 dinners on the veranda will be in fact very tender surprises with dishes for engaged couples and everyone will be proposed to be shared with the other half, with different ranges for each of the two. Dedicated to bring her delicate flavors, such as patches of cottage cheese with shrimp, zucchini and chocolate sauce or sea spigoletta artichokes with chervil and cream potatoes. For him, however, flavors such as covering Sicilian eggplant with quail egg and tomato puree and oregano Calabrian liquid ravioli with mozzarella cheese and red onion with cream of pumpkin. A gourmet culinary journey that will end with a unique and rich desserts to eat in two: a full course tasting desserts. Very original idea and romantic place to spend Valentine's Day with your loved one warm and elegant atmosphere of the Veranda of the crystal. Unforgettable
cadeau even for those who decide to spend a vacation nel cinque stelle lusso di Cortina in occasione di San Valentino: se disponibile al momento del check-in, per le coppie ci sarà infatti un automatico upgrade in una camera Superior, con angolo soggiorno e idromassaggio Jacuzzi per trascorrere due giorni nelle meravigliose stanze dello storico hotel di Cortina d’Ampezzo. Due giorni all’insegna del relax, da vivere rigorosamente in due distendendosi nella magica atmosfera di Cortina imbiancata dalla neve e provando il piacere di una vacanza unica con servizi a cinque stelle lusso con un percorso benessere tra il top dei rituali wellness del Transvital Swiss Beauty Center, e una cena gourmet nel Gazebo che per l’occasione sarà appositamente allestito. Alle coppie sarà infatti dedicato il massaggio Tranquillity, a ritual from the immediate calming effect that lovers will be able to live together in an intimate and romantic cabin to be reserved for this purpose: the Serendipity Spa Room. So also indulge in pampering Transvital experts will be even better if in two. It also will be carried out in detail the dinner, starting with the location: the Gazebo will be specially set up for couples who spend the Valentine in the crystal can relax and enjoy the intimacy a precious delicious menu by chef Marco Badalucco. Soup flavored with sea scallops with asparagus and licorice, pea ravioli with shrimp and bacon beans, sea bream with red wine and spinach and pear petals and to finish in style a very special dessert: Chocolate Kisses hugs and passion.

Valentine Package price: from Euro 595 per person in double room inclusive of dinner and spa treatment.