Saturday, April 5, 2008

Messages For New Born


Translations of the founder of philosophy Neurocomunicativa PACIFIC Gammell

"also known as the 5 Senses"
The founders of Philosophy Neurocomunicativa , observing and analyzing the real potential 'human as a whole together with its characteristics have made, "the perception theory of everything". "

We concluded the claim and believes: that the human being lives his entire life in the material world, using only his five senses, the remaining part of the subjective projections differ from person to person (or stages of being ). We

Philosophy Neurocomunicativa, we consider our life a reality 'in a virtual projected: where the brain is a sort of antenna and at the same time a sort of holographic computer!

affirm so convinced that the real and material, what we see everyday around us, what surrounds us in every part and place: 'and' completely different from what it seems and looks!
fact what people perceive as real and not 'other than the result, the sum of the development of the brain that the brain does this by using the 5 common senses.
These five senses are the only source of information and source of our reality 'conventionally known. We make some simple examples

A mountain 'because it is such a' perceived by our sight, when our eyes see this mountain, our brain has already 'prepared, processed and relayed the news that our eyes have acquired the form of images, colors and more.
So our brain very quickly took all the information it has acquired through the visual apparatus (eyes) and showed us the image. For us a real view of the mountain (actually decoded ')!
seems a simple process but it is not 'at all!

imagine that a tree of this mountain we saw a bird that sang so wonderful! At a time when our ears hear this little bird singing, the brain has already developed and relayed the news that our hearing (ears) has acquired the form of sound and vibration. Our apparatus
cerebral (brain) as for the view, very quickly took all the information it has acquired through the auditory system (ear full) and made to feel, hear and send us the sound. For us, a real sound of this beautiful song bird (actually decoded ').
seems a simple process, but it is not 'at all!

We are on this great and beautiful mountains on our right we see a field of chamomile flowers, chamomile that emits a strong smell which we greatly appreciated! At a time when our sense of smell (nose) complete, perceive the smell of this aromatic chamomile, our brain has already 'developed and relayed the news that our sense of smell (nose) took the form of scents, perfumes or fragrance. Our apparatus
cerebral (brain) as vision and hearing, very quickly took all the information it has acquired through the olfactory system (nose) complete, and made us feel and hear the smell , il profumo e l’essenza della camomilla. Per noi odori reali di questo profumatissimo campo di camomilla (decodificato in realta’) .
Sembra un processo semplice ma non lo e’ affatto !

Ci troviamo sempre su questa grande montagna , vediamo alla nostra sinistra un grosso albero da frutto, zeppo di ciliegie rosse, mature al punto giusto per essere mangiate .Infatti ci avviciniamo all’albero e assaggiamo una decina di ciliegie dal sapore molto gustoso , da noi molto apprezzato ! Nel momento in cui il nostro gusto (papille gustative ) percepisce il sapore di queste saporitissime ciliegie, il nostro cervello ha gia’ elaborato e ritrasmesso le notizie che il our taste (taste buds), acquired in the form of pleasing flavors and sensations. Our apparatus
cerebral (brain) as for vision, hearing and smell, very quickly took all the information it has acquired through the digestive taste (taste buds) and to perceive the flavor and feel to us the sensation of pleasure in tasting the delicious cherries. For us a real sense (decoded in reality ') of this succulent fruit.
seems like a simple job but it is not 'at all!

We are still on this big mountain, 10 meters from us we see a small white rabbit: we immediately think to take it to give him some loving and affectionate caress, already 'imagining how it will be' soft and warm her hair white. We approach this little white rabbit and begin to gently caress it with our hands, after taking it out of his den. ! At a time when our touch (hands) feel the softness of white rabbit fur, and thus having established a contact with the same animal that resulted in our opinion about its physical characteristics, our brain has already 'produced and broadcast the news that we feel (hands) took the form of sensations, texture, shape, softness and warmth. Our apparatus
cerebral (brain) as for vision, hearing ,il gusto e l’olfatto molto velocemente ha preso tutti i dati in suo possesso , acquisiti attraverso l’apparato tattile (mani,braccia,corpo) e ha permesso di percepire e determinare la consistenza, il calore, la morbidezza e la sensazione di piacere nell’accarezzare questo tenerissimo coniglietto . Per noi una sensazione reale (decodificata in realta’) di questo piccolo animale .
Sembra un lavoro semplice ma non lo e’ affatto !

Noi individui fortemente intuitivi della Filosofia Neurocomunicativa , affermiamo per logica che il our world (the conventionally perceived) and not 'other than the result derived from the work of recognition and perception, that our common 5 senses play constantly putting together "hearing, sight, smell, touch and taste!

What people see and perceive with our limited five senses, 'represented by the outside world, this is no more' "than nothing and absolutely nothing!

The "it": the real, real, infinite real sense, not decoded by our illusion. brain "exists only within us, in a specific area of \u200b\u200bthe brain, or there is otherwise everything else in place unknown to us and hidden! "
affirm so convinced that the world around us and 'a realistic dream, comparable to nothing and absolutely nothing.
If we analyze and / or evaluate human history we realize that after 2000, and more 'years' of collective delusion! "

Why do 'everything'?
Why 'and not' never set a logical argument to try to understand, understand, and come to realize the real, true and not just our collective dream that we originated and built for comfort 'and habit?
We believe that the only way to arrive at true knowledge, and 'to "Go Beyond" for us to go further and that 'the only way to achieve a real understanding of how things really are and they are!

Wanting to make a simple and sarcastic example, we believe that Neurocomunicativa of Philosophy and Humanity 'as sitting in the cinema!
In this great film project and they see what 'they want i. .. (Who?). Men are mere spectators!

We highly intuitive subjects, "we affirm that our 5 senses & read simply send a coherent set of codes"
a code for the color of things, a code to the form, a code for the noise, etc. etc. .
There A Code For All Existing things!
The human brain puts together all these codes and processes, as' doing as if by magic come out buildings, machines, people, clothes and more. Well enough to unite and develop codes and we humans are able to see and feel " everything." !

There are people who can not with your brain, to process and read them accurately and complete all of these codes, these individuals are defined by the community, "crazy, visionary or other (we consider them simply people with different parameters) . A
our second hypothesis' that these entities defined abnormal brain (crazy), "read and process the code differently from common collective "
Why '?

The group is NeuroComunicativa of Philosophy and 'place for the next four years, a grand and ambitious goal of SEARCH:
Search and find a new common sense to expand our current view of this very limited!
try to understand, identify and explore the world as it presents itself and the whole thing without using the conventional five senses.
also try to discover and see, through the study of the senses of other living species as the world comes to these things!

Our Sara 'But a hard Grandiose Search:
Del Real World In the Real World!

© Pacific Gammage
Copyright 2008


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