Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Best Beginner Tennis Rackets

17/07/2010 Very close lightning cloud-to-ground July 13, 2010

Some small storms have developed in the late evening and the first night in the south and also in Varese Novara, only to die in a few shots radar. At about 1:45
a cell is born in Novara, very close to my house and other cells come together from Biella. In short, a large multi-cell is formed so striking shift in Biella and Novara SW.
Looking at the 00Z radiosonde, which is 2 am jump to the eye several values: over 2000 CAPE, LI -7, TT 54, K index 40, CIN -50. Thanks also to the slight decline in GPT associated with the trough that is doing damage across the Alps, the radiosonde is evident that the soil was very fertile time for heat if the fuse was playing.

Around 1:30 I go to bed and after about 15 minutes I hear a subdued tone. I get up and I look out the window, after a very short starts to rain.
For a few minutes there are neither thunder nor lightning, but soon the scenery changes. They start almost continuous flashes and less than 1 second difference you hear the thunder: the shocks are very close. At first hard to understand in what direction the lightning fall, it seems that lights up the sky above the roof of my house.
After 5 minutes when I try to understand the points the camera, I see great cloud-land on the south side of my house.
Esco now in balcone e mi piazzo a fare foto. Con il temporale sulla testa, sotto la pioggia e fulmini così vicini è improponibile uscire di casa, anche se la visuale sarebbe stata indubbiamente migliore.
Appena esco le scariche sono veramente vicine, la luce salta più volte in strada ed in casa ed un paio di fulmini, seguiti quasi istantaneamente dal tuono, sono accompagnati da quel classico suono di "fili elettrici in corto circuito"seguito da una specie di scoppiettio e relativo botto...segno inequivocabile che il fulmine è caduto molto molto vicino.
Rimango a far foto per 2 ore, finchè il temporale si allontana verso sud e si indebolisce anche.
Torno a dormire dopo lo spettacolo "pirotecnico" alle 4 di notte.

Lightning too close ...


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