Hello to all .... New Year New Look ahhahaa a mix of Barbie and a little Punk obvious not to go around .... I have found inspiration with a new gloss I took last week (I will speak very badly of this gloss because I have not found at all good) and as far as the eyes ... a trick seen on a fashion magazine!
For the set I used a mixture of accessories I wanted to exaggerate, and the flower earrings and bracelets are some of TARINA TARANTINO, rings TOP SHOP e il bracciale con il nome è di Sweet Papillon di Veronica se volete maggiori informazioni su questi gioielli creati da lei contattatemi.
Ah dimenticavo come ospite il mio ragazzo...IL PRINCIPE... che per l'occasione si è trasformato in rospo!
Come sempre metto la base trucco Tender matt e poi il fondotina, questa volta ho usato Absolutely Ageless Foundation (Madina n 812 color Beige Rosèe), poi come correttori io uso sempre la paletta (Madina). Fisso tutto con la cipria.
For the eyes I used for edging a simple black pencil, eye shadow as a acquacolor black, or maybe a liner eye to eye shadow like what he did in the MAC collection, and to give prominence to the black light I made the point beneath the arch of the correction co white. Even under
Liocca I used white correction (when the white pencil that I've lost it!) Applied with a thin brush.
For cheeks I used a cream blush applied with a sponge, Cheek to Cheek (Madina 09)
Then we apply the mascara in black ... depending on your needs, I use the volumizing! To I used my mouth as Blistex first base, then with a pencil candy pink (Madina 18) I do the edging of his mouth and then those interno.Infine as I used the Gloss Delicious Pout CK (Calvin Klein 412) is supposed be a bright pink but I found myself very badly because it is too mushy and sticky does not apply to nien well, even with a brush.
Always remember to fix the eyebrows un pettinino e una matita...infine fissare il tutto con uno spry fissante io come sempre uso il FIX di MAC.
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