Saturday, January 9, 2010

Shiny Gold Walkthrough

THEORY OF 'Immortal' MEN!


I fondatori della Filosofia Neurocomunicativa vogliono ricordare che questa teoria come tutte le altre da noi formulate in questo trattato, è stata scritta non per una pubblica lettura, ma per pochi individui intuitivi! È stata formulata per quei particolari soggetti che riescono a percepire, sentire, intuire che oltre al quotidiano c’è dell’altro, un sistema superiore e unificato nel quale siamo immersi e del quale facciamo allo stesso tempo parte, dove il nostro essere non è altro che un’espressione del tutto. Questi particolari individui riescono a percepire in vari modi che quello che vediamo, tocchiamo e quello in cui viviamo non è altro che un’elaborazione del nostro cervello, dove il Everything else is just a projection decoded.

We observed and analyzed human behavior with its own characteristics and its own peculiarities and we formulated the "theory of Immortality." With great satisfaction with the results achieved, after many experiments and research announcement by our study group led by one of the leading theorists of Reality: the effective formulation of "Theory of Immortality of Men." Just as Death, as conventionally know it and feel "does not really exist." This theory profoundly innovative and revolutionary was that we call "the observer and the observed!


Think. Our
"subject Observer" is an existence, a being of our perceived reality convention: "not directly concerned" this person behaves and acts as a spectator (active or passive), observer of events, facts and events that do not concern his person, his existence, in short, is not its "perceived reality" personal and unique! It is simply a physical presence and mentally active "in that of another" conventional everyday!
We concluded the claim and believes that "the subject observer" lives his life in a just world, a sort of perceived size individually and jointly, a personal projection of his own being and his feelings, relationships, so subjective and distinct through the constant interaction with other living beings and all that surrounds him.

. Our
"subject Viewed" unlike Observer is an existence, a being of our perceived reality convention: "Directly interested and involved" behaves and acts as an individual participant "who is taking part in their lives and existence," leading an active and direct, events, facts and events concerning his person, his essence, in fact concern their perceived reality as personal and unique! It constitutes a physical presence and, in addition to being an individuality of mind "informed and active!

L'Osservatore lives his entire life in a world of their own subjective perceptions and personal feelings in a kind of private and individually perceived size as a unit, a personale proiezione del proprio essere e del proprio sentirsi, relazionandosi in modo unico e distinto, attraverso l’interazione costante “non più” con gli altri esseri viventi e il tutto che lo circonda, “ma con se stesso” e la propria intima dimensione dell’essere e del proprio percepirsi nel “Tempo e nello Spazio”.

Sia per “il soggetto Osservatore” che per “il soggetto Osservato”sono prodotte interpretazioni e codifiche dal nostro apparato cerebrale convenzionale (cervello) singolarmente e soggettivamente! Possiamo così comprendere che lo stesso oggetto o cosa materiale, lo stesso suono, the same image, and are always completely different (actually his brain) according to the person receiving them with its own array of neural coding and processing. With certainty, that whatever we say or be contained in the universe is always perceived differently from person to person.
The diversity that characterizes every living being is a world and a unique dimension "its" where different worlds and states of being can not and never will be admitted together. These will only be able to interact, always and only with their own unique existential vision, spatial and temporal!

Paradoxically, we concluded the claim and believes that any living human being: it represents, and it really is a "subject Observer" that a "subject Observed"! These two figures of our conventionally known fact: For an unusual, unique and mysterious logic of existence are "simultaneously and at the same time observer and observed." In fact, there with their own characteristics (above) both at the same time and same place of our reality and the bottom two systems are very different but simultaneous "live and exist at the same time for each other."

Imagine yourself standing on a street full of beautiful green, and while walking attend as " observed subjects' investment on the part of motorists to a pedestrian who was walking on the zebra! Hasten now to bring relief to the victim and you see that unfortunately the poor man's investment, "subject coverage" is dead on impact with the car making the investment.

Reflection: In
ugly and unpleasant scene described above is quite clear that you are like the real subject "Observer" the event happened, while the poor investments and pedestrian died (conventional) because of the impact, as is the real subject "the observer" in the event he unknowingly happened.

Now ask those who read and interpret our text and specifically to those who read and interpret our theory that "Immortality" as much mental agility, and actually taking this seriously, "the latest developments of the stunning physics and quantum mechanics ", also" the reader must bear in mind that the scientific world has specifically theorized the existence of many other dimensions beyond those currently known to us, "and finally in the same way," the reader must bear in mind the serious theorizing by the scientific world of the existence of countless parallel universes to our "right and then taking everything seriously: you've wondered, and wondered for a moment you had the suspicion that the person directly involved in this case the poor pedestrian hit by ' and conventionally motorist died in this reality, in other words "the soggetto'Osservato" not having received consciously and directly the ugly event, with its consequent death "conventional" is not going to live in a parallel universe? Why the poor hit the "Observed" maybe the end of their own had no news, so much so that he had neither the event, neither the time nor the space to try it, feel it and above all, live it and feel it "this time conventional terrifying death. "

Let us now go beyond the conventional mind using a lot of flexibility on our part and yours, we assume for the pawn subject Observed " died conventionally, a new existence instantaneous and parallel to ours, but at the same time, and an alternative way! And if it were only "subject Observer" is not directly involved in the event of specific conventional reality to see the death and the end of material existence in that particular subject "called Observed" in their world and universe, subjectively and virtual brain? The "Observer" is, is, is: a universe and a world beyond violation by any other person or be!
And if the individual concerned "the subject observed" with your brain and can not be duplicated virtual universe: that segmento della coscienza che ognuno di noi possiede in modo singolo, dove nessun altro può accedere ”continuerebbe ad esistere?”.

E se questo non sapere, non comprendere, non capire e soprattutto non intuire da parte “del soggetto Osservatore” sarebbe semplicemente una conseguenza della limitata conoscenza umana, con i propri limitati parametri in merito a quel 95% della materia dell’Universo a noi tutti completamente sconosciuta e oscura! Oppure è la conseguenza della non conoscenza e comprensione di quel 95% delle nostre zone e funzioni cerebrali con i propri meccanismi estremamente evoluti rispetto alle nostre conoscenze scientifiche convenzionali current.
If all these were our limits conventional land, not to make us understand all of us "that human beings are immortal" because they can access the parallel existences and snapshots in alternate universes, and simultaneous new "for an infinite time?".
We could do many, many more examples, but we are convinced of Philosophy Neurocomunicativa that you understand the meaning of our theorem!

continue with the example of the Universe, we researchers of the study group on Reality consider our universe, "the union set of all existing things in creation!"
Secondo le Teorie convenzionali, l’Universo è un condensato di energia, di spazio e di tempo. Volendo ipotizzare una forma da noi immaginabile (convenzionalmente) dello stesso Universo, possiamo solo timidamente affermare che questa ci viene fornita non in modo del tutto chiaro: unendo tutti i tipi di materia in esso contenuta, costituita dall’insieme dei pianeti, delle stelle e ammassi galattici, senza tralasciare le importantissime e primarie radiazioni e/o onde elettromagnetiche.

Adesso cercheremo di dare risposta a un quesito di primaria importanza per la giusta comprensione della nostra Teoria dell’Immortalità: “Perché gli esseri Human with its essence should be directed to immortality "? To avoid any unfortunate misunderstandings we want to inform you that we are talking about immortality or not in a religious context!

Here is our answer to the question of immortality in the full sense of being able to perceive the true nature and true essence of our very existence, considering it as an integrated part and parcel of a system or be unknown to us ! We must realize and understand that the time unit of our life belongs exclusively to us, not others, including the time and all that fills it, even in its spatial dimension! Each being lives its life in your own time, not that of others, perhaps there will parallel and contemporary lives and times!

Humans unconsciously as if wearing a dress! Just as if you wear a dress, something that we find him at the same time and something that envelops us, holds us and keeps us at home, this kind of dress is not required and does not knowingly wear is called by us "Universe" !

During our existence in this reality, but at the same time in one or more of a reality much more large and complex, so universal, the essence of our countless times without realizing it consciously, by a sort of principle and mechanism "quantum" is found to wear a different dress, and this rate or better, and this inter-dimensional jump-Tufted, called for convenience and simplification, "Dress" is a real leap into a "parallel universe".


We humans with our essence, we live constantly in these inter-dimensional jump-and space: we are not aware of anything and everything that happens "including the quantum jumps in parallel universes, "because we are human evolution and very limited use of our brain power of our equipment, mental and neural! These devices, for example, our "brain" with its immense qualities and characteristics that we use is so conscious and aware of only 5% of their potential and performance! Logically we must assume that our great and strong cerebral and mental limitations, is to reduce, contain, contain and reduce these our innate abilities: so much so that we can not knowingly register and enjoy the event "a quantum leap in a universe simultaneous parallel "!


Realmente basta un niente, un semplice “Tac” e ci ritroviamo inconsapevolmente proiettati in un’altra realtà! Questa è la prova più evidente e lampante che noi tutti siamo “Universalmente Immortali”!

A tutti noi “soggetti evoluti” del gruppo di ricerca sulla Realtà Neurocomunicativa, capita spesso di incontrare e dialogare con persone che hanno paura o per meglio dire la “fobia” della propria morte fisica ed esistenziale: “Paura della fine, paura di non esistere più, paura di morire, paura di lasciare cari e affetti”. Tutte queste paure e fobie seguono una logica umana: quella dello spirito di sopravvivenza anche dopo la morte.

A tutte queste persone preoccupate per la propria fine, in modo scherzoso testualmente diciamo: tranquilli che se non vi svegliate domattina non è successo niente di grave e di anomalo, voi siete semplicemente e materialmente morti in questa nostra realtà attuale! Perché così materialmente vi vediamo (morti e stecchiti) essendo noi dei “soggetti osservatori” e tutti noi crediamo che sia giunto il vostro momento: per lasciarci in pace e per raggiungere la vostra di pace dei sensi! Ma in realtà voi “soggetti Osservati” siete morti solo per noi che apparteniamo a questa vita: ma in verità siete vivi e vegeti e vi trovate a vivere in una realtà e in un Universo parallelo e simultaneo nuovo di zecca “creato da e per voi”. Quindi tranquillizzatevi tutti perché ”Siete Immortali” nel senso più ampio del termine!

Molto spesso sentiamo raccontare da parte di persone, sedicenti medium o sognatori: che questi ultimi “parlerebbero” con persone o entità che sono morte materialmente e fisicamente (per convenzionalità) queste persone ed entità defunte affermano di trovarsi in un posto bellissimo, testualmente dicono that it is "afterlife"! These persons, entities physically dead also claim to be well and to be in a sort of parallel universe to ours "(although very often do not define a novice with a particular place where they are).
Reasoning with logic and mental flexibility: perhaps these people to actually physically died for us that we are "subject coverage" is dead we consider these individuals as "subject coverage" is possible to hypothesize "the famous quantum leap into a parallel universe and simultaneous ! Paradoxically, and contrary to any law and the principle of conventional science known to us: "These beings with their own species, perhaps unwittingly find themselves really and projected into another reality like ours."

conclusion, our theory of Immortality
If this really was exactly as we firmly believe "What should we start doing?" Maybe you should start to break the pre-established models for thousands of years have generated only ignorance and false beliefs, limiting our "collective" knowledge and our knowledge about the reality in all of us and specifically in our consciousness: limited and preclude a way, a vita, una strada più profonda, vera e reale “VERSO L’IMMORTALITÀ DELL’ESSERE!”.

Questa Teoria “dell’Immortalità degli Uomini” non è stata volutamente e saggiamente pubblicata finora dal nostro gruppo di ricerca sulla Realtà Neurocomunicativa per tenere lontano ogni forma di estremismo controproducente! Il nostro interrogativo è: “Se questa teoria venisse sposata in pieno da soggetti estremisti e fanatici, cosa potrebbe comportare tutto ciò?”.

© Pacifico Gammella
Copyright 2009


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