Sunday, February 28, 2010

Elly Jackson Long Hair

Tutte pazze per gli smalti!

The hands are a great business card .... it is very important to treat the appearance of nails, because it says that the hands are the expression of nosta personality, so it can understand the kind of person and also the style. Non tutti hanno la possibilità di andare dalla propria estetista per fare la manicure ogni settimana, per questo vi do alcuni consigli per avere una manicure perfetta. Gli strumenti necessari: - Lime - una bacinella con acqua tiepida - un pastoncino di legno - balsamo per cuticole - tronchesino per pellicine o in alternativa olio scogli cuticole - olio idratante per cuticole; 1) Con la lima dare una forma quadrata o tonda a vostro piacimento 2)Con il bastoncino bare back cuticolee reject 3) Apply the balm for cuticles 4) Dip your hands into the bowl of water for 3 minutes 5) Cut the cuticle nippers 6) Improve the nail file and polish it with special files (the white rectangles poff) 7) Apply cuticle oil or cream to hands. For older patients: 1) Give the file a form with square or round depending on your taste 2) apply an emollient anti product cuticles, to dissolve, and massage to penetrate them. Council nell'acuqa placing your hands warm for about three minutes and add a dash of lemon to moisturize, grandma's remedies always work 3) With the stick to push the cuticles, you can wrap the tip of the cotton swab in order to avoid hurting or damaging the nail 4) Remove the remaining files with polishing and refining the shape with the file. 5) Apply cuticle oil or hand cream At this point, the manicure is finished you only need to grease the nail with cotton and acetone before applying the base then the enamel. (Because you grease the nail must be clean otherwise the glaze will not apply) Basics: Important apply a base to avoid damaging the nail enamels, especially with regard to dark, not to the nail yellow. bases vary depending on the requirement may be hardening, nutrients, anti-scaling, etc. Then after you apply the glaze to dry the base color, elbow ancestral stopped to shake his hand, and a secret not to use too much polish! The enamel is applied in three steps, we start from the center and then the two sides, forming a "U". In the case of burrs exist in commercio delle penne con il solvente molto utili e permettono un risultato preciso. Dopo aver fatto due passate aplichiamo il rinfrzante trasparente e per velocizzare l'asciugatura dello smalto ci possiamo aiutare con lo spry fissante. Un consiglio dopo aver applicato lo smalto non fate nulla per minimo 20 minuti....!!! Per un mese intero ho provato ogni tipo di smalto presente sulla terra....colori, marche e prezzi di ogni genere e queste sono le mie opinioni: Chanel i migliori in assoluto mi sono trovata bene come sempre i colori sono unici e durano tanto, per quanto riguarda i prezzi siamo sui 22,00 euro massimo. I colori più venduto sono il Blue Satin , Black Satin, and of course the Rouge Noir, Noir Ceramic, now for the summer is also the color and the classic Base Splendeur milky. I have not found a fabulous jade green Jade color, light sensitive, but just the text I will write my opinion. Sephora children of all colors and cost about 5.50 euro each, I've really taken many blue black purple .... I was fine not last much after three days is chipped but because they are cheap and there thousand shades of color are really the best part is changing every day in enough humor and how he dresses, it is very important now that the enamel has become an accessories pipe. OPI them in Italy We can find from Sephora or beauty retailers or nails center also vary the colors here very much, please visit find outlets and colors. COLLISTAR I fell in love n 44 I found myself very well on the price is € 10.00 and is an invigorating colored enamel and then two in one! There consioglio your purchase has not chipped at all in a week and dries quickly. Dior I put them in the same category as Chanel same colors same price as the same form. .... well the predictions for colors that will go out of fashion ... natural nail, blue, red, black, purple, there's no rule is important and that color .... che si abbini al tuo stile!

Ringrazio Francesca ( prima foto in Blu) Valentina Marzullo ( seconda foto in nero e quì sopra in marrone) la mia grande musa ispiratrice Valentina Gardani ( unghia naturale che non tramonta mai) e Veronica Ferraro (in rosso) grazie per le foto!

Vi posto alcuni miei favorite colors leave comments and tell me what you think!

Kisses kisses Lella


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