Friday, April 30, 2010

Make My Own Drivers License

Supercelle tra KS e NE, 29-04-2010

In late morning we reach our target Salina, KS, after spending the night in Wichita. To wait at service stations meet other hunters as we expect that convection. Between 15 and 15 and 30 part a first line of mounds that begins to develop more deciso verso le 16. Ci muoviamo così verso una prima cella che dà segni di rotazione. Ci posizioniamo sotto la sua base e scattiamo foto; quando ripartiamo per cercare di starle vicino, si indebolisce quasi subito. Altre celle nascono più a sud. Intercettiamo così la cella successiva che dopo un pò di tempo produce una bella wall cloud. Le celle vanno molto veloci, tra le 50 e 60 miglia l'ora. La rincorriamo su uno sterrato decisamente poco adatto alla nostra auto...quasi ci impantaniamo in 10 cm di fango. Perdiamo così minuti preziosi...qui la cella sta producendo un velocissimo tornado che non riusciamo a vedere dalla nostra posizione. Intercettiamo così una terza cella, molto ben definita e più tardi ne incontriamo una quarta. Ormai è sera e i temporali si linearizzano in una squall al cui interno si mantiene ancora qualche supercella. I lampi sono frequentissimi, 2-3 al secondo, ma i fulmini nube-terra sono pochissimi. Andiamo così a dormire a Fairbury, NE.
1° supercella.

2° supercella.

3° supercella.

4 ° supercell.

Article also listed on the site of the Team Thunderstorm.

Birthday Evite Catchy Phrase

April 25

Domenica 25 aprile è stata una giornata caratterizzata dalla presenza di numerose scie d'aereo nel cielo di Milano. In questo post pubblico alcune fotografie di scie e aerei scattate domenica ed una breve analisi dei dati atmosferici della giornata, giornata che had begun well, with a discreet air traffic in the skies over Europe! air traffic registered on the morning of April 25, 2010.

The wakes of aircraft has resulted in spectacular day at junctions and intense contrasts with clouds

Contrails, 25 April 2010
Contrails, 25 April 2010
Contrails, 25 April 2010
Contrails, 25 April 2010
Contrails, 25 April 2010

Certainly the spectacle of a sky marred by so many trails could worry a neophyte who is approaching the issue of contrails of aircraft. But there really is not much to worry about because if we look more closely at this show, using a telephoto lens or a telescope, we find that aircraft produce contrails that are just "normal airliners. Aircraft on which we climbed many times.

B737-700 airberlin

Swiss International Air Lines A320 HB-IJB Flight id: LX173M
Swiss International Air Lines A320 HB-IJB

Airmalta 9H-AEG A319 Flight id: KM0491 [ZRH-MLA]
Airmalta A319 9H-AEG

Vueling Airlines A320-214 EC KBU-Flight id: VY6256 [CDG-FCO]
Vueling Airlines A320-214 EC-KBU
Vueling Airlines A320-214 EC-KBU
Vueling Airlines A320-214 EC-KBU

Germanwings A319 D-AKNM Flight id: 4U2885 [FCO-STR]
Germanwings A319
Germanwings A319

Airberlin A320
Airberlin A320

If we then to analyze the atmospheric data of the hours of the day 12Z, we see that there were conditions for the formation of contrails. It was not, however, recorded the presence of supersaturated air, necessary for the persistence of contrails. But going to correct the data of relative humidity with a correction Miloshevich, with all due caution *, we observe the presence of supersaturated air.

April 25, 2010 12Z
conditions for the formation of condensation trails: Yes (link to diagram Appleman).
conditions for the persistence of contrails: no (link to chart RELH / T ).
conditions to persist after correction Milosehvich *: Yes (link to chart RELH / T correct) .

At this point, those who think that a certain air releases trails evil can verify his hypothesis in two simple ways: i) taking the suspect machine with a telescope and determine the nature (bad tank of heaven or normal airliner) and ii) analyzing the weather of the day (to check the presence of conditions for the formation and persistence of contrails).

* Note for a full explanation of the topic, see a previous post (link ).

Copyright notice.
Copyright © 2010 - All rights reserved. All rights reserved. To request reproduction photos send an e-mail:

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Crutches Halloween Custome

Severe thunderstorms in Nebraska 23/04/2010.

finally reached their destination, after the odyssey in airports following the cancellation of flights because of volcanic cloud on the evening of Friday 23 we played the first game. After leaving Denver, we come to Grand Island in the late afternoon. Shortly after we move towards SE and start the convection. After waiting for the cells began to grow, we head to a line of thunderstorms that seem to be pretty intense. The intercept now the sun is setting. The first shows some signs of rotation. When now darkness falls we can take some nice pictures to lightning.

Article also included in the website of the Thunderstorm Team.

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Wax Strips Substitute

Make up Truccheria : Pulire i pennelli e le spugnette.

Ciao ragazze...argomento del giorno pulire i nostri attrezzi del mestiere...esistono in commercio molti prodotti per la pulizia come shampoo o spry ma anche metodi più casalinghi e tradizionali come acqua tiepida e sapone neutro.
Io li pulisco un pò con tutto dipende dal tempo e da che cosa ho sotto mano, ma vediamo un pò di più nello specifico.
I prodotti per pulire i pennelli si possono trovare sia al supermencato sia in profumeria e fornitura estetica, a scuola mi hanno insegnato il metodo classico pulirli con la Triellina, istruzioni per l'uso:

prendere un bicchiere di vestro e non di plastica.

pour two fingers (do this in a ventilated place as the smell of the product.)

dip the brush into the glass for a few seconds

then take a pull small towel (I recommend to always use the same towel
for this type of cleaning as it will ruin) and brush to brush
well with the lens is "squeeze". Allow to dry it well before use.

Do If at home: Take a plate of

Vestro, detergent and extra virgin olive oil.

poured in a little dish detergent

therefore we pay a little extra virgin olive

Take a brush dirty and with the movement rotated the pot with soap unisamo olite.

will notice that there will be a bit of foam that will allow the cleaning of our brush.

then rinse the brush under running water, plenty of hot or warm.

This method is useful for making glossy and soft bristle brush, and then to do occasionally.

are commercially available ready-made products such as shampoo brushes such as ELF MAC or Sephora or spray to clean the brushes immediately in case of emergency while you are on her makeup, I usually use to MAKE UP FOREVER practical in a spray dispenser and fast:

We can use these brushes for cleaning the pads of fondotinata.
hope was to help you if you have any questions please write below.

Baci Baci Lulu