Theory of Fools
also called "Of Madness"
As founders of Science Neurocomunicativa: observing and analyzing the real human potential in their complex and their characteristics, we formulated " the theory of mad people."
This theory "crazy" è stata formulata dopo attente e meticolose riflessioni su fatti ed eventi accaduti, tenendo in grande considerazione il soggettivo comportamento umano collegato ad eventi valutabili nella dimensione spazio/ tempo convenzionale .
Facciamo alcuni semplici esempi. Quante innumerevoli volte avete fatto riflessioni e considerazioni su persone, per voi non del tutto normali perché secondo il vostro osservare e secondo il vostro soggettivo punto di vista affetti da una sorta “ di pazzia”, that alters the mental faculty, and have literally said: "What a strange person!", "E 'a fool!", "It's definitely a crazy man!", "Mentally ill". Surely these people have the apostrophe, and cataloged as a sort of men "Gonzo, sick, strange, different!
We invite you to reason with logic are 100% sure that your opinion on these subjects, so to speak “particolari” sia esatto, corretto e non troppo semplicisticamente affrettato? Siete veramente sicuri che solo voi uomini definiti normali (perché così considerati dalla maggior parte della collettività) siete unicamente capaci: di distinguere nel modo corretto i metodi, i ragionamenti e il buonsenso nella vita quotidiana in merito a tutto ciò che ci accade e ci circonda?
Appartengono solo ed esclusivamente a voi la logicità, il criterio e la coerenza? Mentre questi soggetti “particolari” definiti in vario modo in primis folli: sono incapaci di impostare e ragionare in merito a qualsiasi cosa esistente? Per voi i “folli” sono solo esseri malati con atteggiamenti fuori dal comune, vivono in un proprio mondo, dove vige la legge e la regola del controsenso, del paradosso, dell’assurdo, sono illogici sono uomini con un comportamento strano e anomalo ! VERO?
certainly (according to your subjective observation conventional) you are able to sustain the logical reasoning, you are good to discuss, in short, a great talent is your loquacity! All things that distinguish the "insane persons" representing you and the community " poor creatures irrational"!
sure from your point of view: those who behave in accordance with linear and second charges, applying constant attitude "You", have common habits, you are not acting erratic in society, you are familiar with your customs and the like, have attitudes, thoughts and ideas in common with the rest of the human race !
From what has been said is clear to see that you "consider yourself" 100% normal the only beings on this planet, are you and your similar features mind, brain and behavior: those healthy, rational and able bodied, while those considered "crazy" are not, in any way!
For us, the founders, scholars and researchers Science Neurocomunicativa All this is a big mistake, in fact what people perceive as real is nothing but the result, the sum, developing brain, our brain performs using the five common senses. These five senses are the only source of information and source of our reality conventionally known, the remaining part of projections subjective, personal and intimate brain "Different from man to man ".
How come no one has tried to understand and intuit , through an appropriate and suitable scheme logical and rational, the direct perception and immediate this reality is not obvious (to our common sense), but presumably exists.
Through intuitive reason, we tried to understand what are the codes that our brain processes. Codes which, for purposes unknown to us, our common senses and transmit and receive more and usually only in a certain way!
The set of codes developed by our brain is life , our common vision, we perceive the outside world. Why not try to find out that the codes developed by us can be read in many different ways and therefore the real is not only what we currently perceive, see and experience "normal people"? Unlike using a new and different logic, the real is also what perceive, see and experience people mistakenly considered "crazy and different" with their codes "read and processed in an entirely dissimilar from the normal."
This set of codes representing reality through personal reading and unified subject "crazy and different" second can lead us to discover the real world, the real and not what our common sense can make us feel so shallow!
people consider “diverse, folli”: non riesco per convenzionalità con il proprio cervello ad elaborare e leggere in modo esatto e completo tutto questo complesso di informazioni e codifiche; noi della Scienza Neurocomunicativa consideriamo questi soggetti: semplicemente persone che usano, ed hanno in dotazione parametri di elaborazione cerebrale e neuronale differenti dal comune! Infatti, questi “ leggono ed elaborano i codici della nostra realtà in modo differente dal comune parametro di elaborazione collettivo”! Perché tutto ciò?
Cerchiamo to discover and imagine what kind of depth and that " perception have people considered " crazy and different " when they: through the collection of information from the stimulation of his senses and conventional perceptions, mental processing by implementing the reconstruction and representation of the " our reality!
It 's very likely, that the perception and the picture that you present to us all, will be nothing but a reconstructed new and unknown reality of "a awareness of external reality " view, evaluated and possibly altered by the phenomena of very different calculations: by applying parameters, models and classifications completely unknown to us Convention!
We can classify it as a simple and different processing procedure, the definition and characterization of the elements: that flow in the brain and neuronal these subjects "crazy and different" through his own subjective sensory perception and of reality!
The application is mandatory: "If it was all true?", "If everything works really well?", "If you really are "Different and crazy" able to perceive all this? "," What You Need to Know? "," What more is there to discover? ". With great satisfaction we have probably in the end, to understand and interpret the codes to reconstruct our reality, we all still unknown "A goal that for centuries they were trying to achieve but without clear results and rewarding ".
may seem a " incredible paradox " completely antithetical to any " Common Logic ", a " Contradiction without end " , una “ Incoerenza” senza alcuna logicità e convenzionalità: ma tutti noi forse abbiamo bisogno di ammettere, che i tanto citati “personaggi folli” ci hanno insegnato involontariamente a leggere, decifrare e decodificare “la Realtà e tutto quello che ci circonda” in modo differente dal convenzionale, presumibilmente è una decodifica reale e concreta!
Ecco chi erano e cosa rappresentavano fino ad oggi per tutti noi, gente “Normale e Razionale: i Pazzi”,“i Folli”,“i Diversi”,“i Malati Mentali“! I “ CUSTODI DELLA REALTA’”!
Sicuramente non abbiamo mai voluto intuire e capire, che queste persone “Particolari” erano sofferenti per un solo problema da noi volontariamente creato: “La solitudine, l’emarginazione morale e sociale !”.
© Pacifico Gammella
Copyright 2010
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