Thursday, October 28, 2010

Playing Warhammer Tabletop Online

Capodanno in Crociera e tendenze vacanze 2011

Terminate just the summer holidays, Italians are already looking for a trip for New Year: the goal is irrelevant, the important thing is that it is a cruise. They estimate that the search engine on the web, the interest in the sector increased by 40%, with significant peaks as early as last week of August.
This was revealed We Cruises portal specializing in booking travel and cruise vacations. Internet users in the month of September have researched the term "cruise New Year" 8100 times. Compared to 2009 and then to detect a 50% increase in requests for information about this type of trip, not just online.

"Until a few years ago, Cruise had a product to a specific target - says Giuseppe Gambardella, founder of We Cruises - are reserved for the most age groups over 60 or couples on their honeymoon, but in ' Last year there was a new growth trend, as confirmed by online research, which shows that this type di viaggio attragga una clientela sempre più eterogenea e giovane.”

Il termine “crociera di capodanno” viene digitato prevalentemente nelle regioni del centro ed in Lombardia; dato proveniente dal web e confermato dalle richieste di prenotazioni che il portale Noi Crociere ha registrato nell’ultimo mese.

“Le città più interessate alle vacanze in crociera sono, di sicuro, quelle che hanno in prossimità un porto da cui partono le più note compagnie di navigazione come Msc, Louis e Costa. Roma in particolare, con il porto di Civitavecchia, si conferma la capitale anche per quel che riguarda le richieste di viaggi in crociera” commenta Giuseppe Gambardella.

Secondi data requests from the portal we Cruises, the most desired destinations to celebrate the start of 2011 are: the Eastern Mediterranean (Crete, Egypt, Rhodes) and the route that includes stops in France, Spain, Tunisia, Malta or Morocco.
"Celebrating the winter holiday season on a cruise is the fashion of the moment - he concludes Joseph Gambardella - carve out time to break visiting exotic destinations in a few days at sea, is the dream destinations of many travelers who choose not far from our" beautiful country " but capable of giving beautiful views and mild temperatures and enviable even in December. "

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Football Players In Jock Straps

Ryanair contro gli scioperi dei controllori di volo

Ryanair, the airline of choice in Europe today (October 27) has appealed once again the EU to withdraw the "right to strike" for essential services such as ATC service, after being forced to cancel 200 more flights due to a new French air traffic controllers' strike that tomorrow (October 28) will close its air space.
In 2010, Ryanair was forced to cancel 2,000 flights and other flights delayed more than 12,000, thereby upsetting the travel plans of more than 2.5 million passengers, as a direct result of strikes by air traffic controllers Belgian, French and English. In April and May, 1.5 million Ryanair passengers were forced to disrupt their flight plans because of the volcanic cloud and the unnecessary closure of airspace called for by European governments.

Ryanair has appealed to the European Commission to reform the ATC services as follows:

1. Delete the "right to strike for essential transport services, such as the ATC.

2. Fired air traffic controllers involved in these illegal strikes (in the same way that Ronald Reagan fired and replaced U.S. flight controllers went on strike in the Eighties).

3. Deregulate domestic services ATC 's Europe to enable air traffic controllers are not members of the strikes to keep the heavens opened in Belgium, France and Spain, while the overpaid and unproductive air traffic controllers on strike again and again.

4. Reforming the rules for the EU261 passenger rights, in order to exempt airlines from the requirements of the "right care" in cases of force majeure, which are clearly outside the control of airlines.

Ryanair's Stephen McNamara said: "European governments have failed to maintain open skies of Europe in April and May following the eruption of a volcano thousands of miles away from Europe and now once again can not keep Europe's skies opened and the passengers and the airlines are once again forced to face more hardships because of the strikes. There

again appeal to the European Union to end the "right to strike" for air traffic controllers, as well as with other services considered as essential as police and the fire brigade. Flight controllers on strike do not care about consumers, do not care about passengers, repeatedly strike because they know they can close the heavens and European governments and hold hostage the passengers.

The European Commission must act now to end this chaos caused by air traffic controllers. "

Pantie For Track And Field

Capodanno da single: gli spiriti liberi festeggiano in Crociera

About New Year's Eve party, travels throughout the year. And so more and more single people who decide to say goodbye to the past year with a vacanza in compagnia. Lo rivela Speed Vacanze, tour operator specializzato in viaggi per single, che quest’anno ha registrato un + 15% di prenotazioni per i soggiorni nel periodo di Capodanno.
In particolare si registra un sensibile aumento (+24%) di prenotazioni effettuate con almeno due mesi di anticipo rispetto alla data prevista per la partenza. “Sono soprattutto le donne a prenotare nel periodo di Settembre ed Ottobre. Gli uomini invece finiscono, di solito, per organizzarsi all’ultimo minuto. Anche se la crisi ha costretto anche loro a cambiare abitudini e a prenotare prima per trarre vantaggio dalle offerte messe a disposizione” spiega Giuseppe Gambardella, fondatore di Speed Vacanze e Speed Date, società che si occupa di organizzare eventi per single.

La tipologia di vacanza preferita per stappare lo spumante è, di sicuro, la crociera che viene scelta dal 29% degli “scoppiati”. In questo caso, le mete predilette sono Francia, Spagna, Marocco, Egitto e Grecia. Molto gettonata anche l’Italia, in particolare la Toscana che viene scelta come località ideale per festeggiare il Capodanno 2010 nel 24% dei casi.

“Il 2010 è stato di sicuro l’anno delle crociere e i single sembrano apprezzarle sempre di più. In particolare il Capodanno diventa il momento ideale per una vacanza a bordo perché consente di conoscere più facilmente nuove persone, divertendosi con le attività dell’animazione and participating in organized tours along the stage route, "said Joseph Gambardella.

19% of single Italians, however, is looking for a tan even in winter, and so decided to spend New Year in Sharm el Sheikh. A short distance then appear those free spirits (18%) who choose to stay in London for a cultural and entertainment nightly. Finally
10% Book a relaxing and banner enogastronomy on Lake Como. This goal is chosen primarily by those who have only three days to "unplug" and enjoy the celebrations of the rite.

"The singles start at New Year regardless of destination, are looking for new friends and fun. Often the hectic pace of today stop us from finding space for socializing, especially for those who are not in pairs. A holiday group, in a moment of joy as the New Year, may be the ideal solution for those who want to meet new people and spend a relaxed evening, "concluded Gambardella.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Ultimo Female Submission

Oltre lo Schermo: rassegna cinematografica per ragazzi a Gatteo

The Department of Culture of the City of Gatteo in collaboration with the Cultural Association 'Wild Music', offers a film festival that aims to discuss, share and deepen fun different topics related to young people.
For five Fridays, starting November 5, 2010, at 20:45 at the Biblioteca Comunale 'G. Ceccarelli 'Gatteo, you can attend free screenings of the film engaging, probing in a different way and the varied world of youth, which is always full of interesting insights and analysis.

Five films about young people for young people, but not limited to, whether their parents or young people who no longer is, but it was a little 'time ago. It begins Friday, November 5 with 'Caterina in the Big City', which tells the family moved Iacovoni from a small town in Rome: the capital. Paolo Virzi's film shows a haunting kaleidoscope of characters Capitoline upper middle class, from which it only saves the young Catherine, who, with his eyes still intact neutral and look at this strange new world that you pour in the face. Do not miss funny scenes, but just those which are even more laughable thought.

Friday, November 12, again at 20.45, it was the turn of the road movie par excellence: 'Easy Rider'. More than a movie where the actors (Dennis Hopper / Billy, Peter Fonda / Wyatt and Jack Nicholson / George Hanson) talk about bikes, their noise on the asphalt, the wind entering the helmet, the scenery and music. In fact, the lack of dialogue makes up masterfully one of the most recognizable soundtracks in movie history. Who among us does not recognize right from the first notes of 'Born to be wild' of Steppenwolf? And who among us does not imagine listening to cross the U.S. riding Captain America?

The plot is simple, but the same rich food for thought: a journey coast to coast in motion two young hippies punctuated by encounters and adventures in the atmosphere of an America sessantottino. A trip to be taken absolutely.

On November 19 the Library 'G. Ceccarelli 'will see' Thirteen - 13 years'. Tracy is a girl of thirteen who lives with his mother Melanie, a hairdresser at home. He spends his time mostly to study, until he meets Evie, a mother of her friend orphan. The two become friends Evie and Tracy will lead progressively to take all those experiences that a parent living a nightmare: oral sex, drugs, alcohol, piercing, lap dancing and bad company ... The film tries to explore that delicate age, so that worries parents and educators, where a girl is no longer a child, but is not yet a woman. Also puts the spotlight the behavior of parents, who often are unable (or unwilling) to address, resolve or at least try to understand the problems of children.

On 26 November, will be screened at 20.45 'I diari della motocicletta’. Il regista mette in scena ciò che i due protagonisti descrivono nei loro diari riguardo questa avventura. Nel 1952 Ernesto ‘Che’ Guevara e Alberto Granado partendo dall’Argentina, la loro patria, affrontano un viaggio attraverso il Sudamerica per riappropriarsi delle proprie origini e per scoprire se stessi toccando con mano una realtà fatta di povertà, arretratezza, ingiustizie e soprusi storici. Il ritratto dei due giovani amici è struggente anche se a volte ostentatamente "giovanilistico", e l'immagine di Guevara è quella di un giovane inquieto, con un profondo senso della giustizia e dell'onestà, ma politicamente ancora privo di formazione, se non di una forma spontaneistica and third-world approach to reality. A word of advice: do not leave the room at the beginning of the end credits (which is never to be done), you lose some fascinating and original photos of the trip and the old man lived Alberto Granado's face.

The exhibition closes Friday, Dec. 3 with 'Alpha Dog'. The director Nick Cassavetes reconstructs in detail, almost in a documentary, something that really happened a few years ago. The drug dealer Johnny Truelove
clashes with Jake Muzursky, because of an unpaid drug debt. The two characters, both strong personalities collide and the situation worsened rapidly. After a series of events, while Johnny and his gang are head at a party in the desert, kidnap Zack, the younger brother of Jake, in exchange for the payment of all debts. Initially, the boys have no intention to hurt the fifteen Zack and he has no awareness of the danger she is running. A film, highlighting the deterioration of a certain slice of Western teenagers (and adults), it surely does not consider to leave a bit 'with a bitter taste.
This is a rich and varied proposal of the Municipal Library 'G. Ceccarelli 'Gatteo, which awaits the screenings.
For info: Ceccarelli
Public Library Cultural Center "The Antonelli"
Via Roma, 13 - Gatteo
Tel. 0541 932377
E-mail: - Sito:

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Cheering Competition Noise Makers

Trails of October 20, 2010

After the day of Tuesday 19, characterized by the presence of several types of persistent contrails (described in the day previous post), even the sky yesterday in Milan has been affected by the presence of contrails of aircraft, this time less frequent and non-persistent.
then appears interesting to compare the atmospheric data of the two days to see what was the cause of such a clear difference between the type and number of contrails observed on Tuesday and Wednesday (on the assumption that air traffic was of equal magnitude in the two days). Was it the humidity or temperature? Or both?
Comparing the diagrams Appleman of the two days we see that the answer is both. Temperatures of 20 October were higher than those of 19 (contrails could be formed unless flight altitudes: less trails), while the relative humidity values \u200b\u200brecorded on October 20 were lower than those of 19 (moisture lower relative: no persistence ).

Even yesterday afternoon I took some pictures to aircraft wake in flight at high altitude. Noteworthy an Airbus A330-300 airberlin flight at an altitude of almost 12,000 m of which carry over, to end this short post, a sequence of shots off the telescope and the track ADS-B (courtesy of ).

Airberlin Airbus A330-300 D- AERK
Airberlin Airbus A330-300 D-AERK

Copyright Notice Copyright © 2010 - All rights reserved. All rights reserved. To request a reproduction of the photos send an e-mail: sciemilano [at]

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

How Tall Is De La Ghetto

Trails of October 19, 2010

Nice day yesterday in Milan, with blue sky and visible for many trails throughout the day and at night, illuminated from the Moon.
We see today's post in the usual analysis of weather data of the day and some photos of the aircraft wake yesterday passed over Milan in the late afternoon.
I initially prepared a diagram of Appleman ( link to the chart, data 12Z hours) where you can see immediately that the temperatures at typical flight altitudes were very low, with a peak of -63.3 ° C . We could therefore expect contrails least from the 10,410 m. For a more accurate prediction, I used the software Contrails Forecasting Calculator with correction of relative humidity values \u200b\u200bin the algorithm Miloshevich ( an explanation here). The software has already trails by 9421 m (although at this level the difference between criticism and T RT is small) and persistence between 10,410 and 11,769 m (correction Miloshevich here and here graph Relative humidity / temperature).

Let's look at the photographs. For each aircraft I photographed enclosed its path (courtesy of ). When can I photographed the plane first and then a wide field with a Newtonian telescope.

British Airways Airbus A320 G- EUUR
Lufhtansa Airbus A321 D- AIRN

Lufthansa Airbus A320 D- AIQF

airberlin (Belair) Airbus A320 HB-IOW

Air France Airbus A320 F- GFKV

Ryanair Boeing B737-800 EI-DAI

Swissair Airbus A320 HB-IJN

Finally, the star of the evening becomes the moon, obscured by the trails in this photo.
Luna e scie - Moon and contrails

Tuesday, October 19 have been observed so many persistent contrails in the sky of Milan, provided an analysis of weather data, after correction Miloshevich. Between 17:00 and about 18:30 I photographed many trails to follow aircraft in flight at high altitude: all normal airliners.
The reality that emerges from this analysis, as many others made in recent months, we see that contrails in the sky are a consequence del normale traffico aereo ad alta quota, costituito fondamentalmente  da aerei di linea.

Nota sul copyright
Copyright © 2010 - All rights reserved. Tutti i diritti sono riservati. Per richiedere la riproduzione delle fotografie scrivere all'indirizzo e-mail: sciemilano[at]

Monday, October 18, 2010

How To Draw A Laser Diagram

PACIFIC Gammell "Everything will change '"

Pacific Gammage is a well-known and respected manager of the Italian financial sector.
Director of Capital Management Group Division Area Credit Brokers. "
collaborates with several Italian universities as a teacher outside technical and financial economics.
Will serve as Advisors & Consultant for various Italian banking groups, for the selection and recruitment of highly qualified human resources.

is the Director of the Center for Studies and Research on Science Neurocomunicativa , founder of Pacismo Communicative, un’ideologia evoluta che mira al raggiungimento del pensare e dell'agire oltre la realtà convenzionalmente conosciuta. Inoltre Pacifico Gammella ha formulato una grande e innovativa Tecnica: La Neurocomunicativa dedicata all’ottenimento del benessere, che affronta i problemi dell’uomo nella sua parte più nascosta!
Pacifico Gammella è definito come un nuovo Teorico con una particolare forma di pensiero intuitivo! Alle fondamenta e alla base del suo pensiero, c’e’ una grossa intuizione che ha generato: “Un nuovo movimento che sposa in pieno la teoria del TUTTO”.

The day will come where everything will be different. Everything will be changed.
Time is irrelevant, we must not rush or slow down, you will not have to act quickly, succeed and live, thinking the end of our existence in this physical reality. In those days
human expression will be radically changed: do not be afraid of the end, because it will not be. There is
affannerà for material goods, they have no sense of being, will be the time of human awareness, knowledge, where everything is lived without hesitation, without fear or pain of earthly life of this ephemeral world.
will i giorni della vita vera, interiore, quella che noi sentiamo, ma mai proviamo realmente, saranno i giorni della gloria “la nostra”.
Si vivrà senza ansia, angoscia, pena, afflizione, preoccupazione, assillo: si eviterà di pensare unicamente di giungere alla meta, prima che la meta giunga a noi.
Chi potrà comprendere che questa vita non ha inizio né fine, potrà rendersi conto della propria sterminata grandezza quella della vita universa e infinita, fatta di pura energia corale, globale e collettiva.
Dove il tempo non esiste, ma esiste il Tutto, dove il nostro sentire ci fa comprendere: che la grandezza di ogni uomo, è qualcosa che non ha fine ne misura, ma è una grandezza fatta di immensità dove il tutto non è il vivere in questo mondo, su questo pianeta che altro non è: che un corpo celeste che gira nello spazio e intorno al sole.
Ma il tutto è la grandezza di ogni essere che rappresenta il tutto, il sistema, l’insieme; un sistema, un insieme dove tutto esiste ed è perché “Infinito per l’Eternità”.

© Pacifico Gammella
Copyright 2008

Friday, October 15, 2010

How To Clean A White G Shock

The future does not exist and never hesitate ... As we conceive it to the Convention ..

Perchè l'essere umano ....possiede unicamente dati e conoscenza del proprio "presente" ... o ...ricordi e notizie del proprio "passato" vissuto nella propria individualità e dimensione umana ?!?

Inoltre possiede conoscenza o meglio notizie riportate e riferite sul "passato storico " ! .....

Ma mai e in nessun modo possiede dati, o indizi sul suo "FUTURO"....

Forse la risposta segue un'impostazione razionale o un metodo rigoroso e sistematico maggiormente scientifico di quello che può sembrare per convenzione...infatti come soggetti osservatori del tutto...viviamo e creiamo costantemente il nostro presente ....ricordiamo il tempo passato ...mentre il " tempo futuro" esiste solamente come una nostra idea mentale: con tutti i desideri, programmi e aspettative che esso può apportare ...

Basta riflettere per pochi secondi... e ci renderemo conto che qualsiasi tipologia di "FUTURO Temporale" ...sarà sempre un presente ....quindi il convenzionale futuro (come we project it normally) never exist ... and of course we have no information or knowledge about it .. for the simple fact that it represents and will be a pure this time "that has not yet manifested and experienced .. or humanly created ...

The Future is represented, we formulated and developed brain ... only with thoughts, hopes and illusions ... these are projections of the brain that reside only in our minds .... real, measurable and tangible there is nothing that can be defined "FUTURE" .....


© Pacifico Gammella Copyright 2010

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Juli Ashton Baby Daughter

Per concludere la serie di post sull'Airshow dell'11 settembre 2010 tenutosi a Rivolto (UD) in occasione del 50° Anniversario della Pattuglia Acrobatica Nazionale, ecco le foto della spettacolare e emozionante esibizione delle Frecce Tricolori.

Frecce Tricolori
Frecce Tricolori
Frecce Tricolori
Frecce Tricolori
Frecce Tricolori
Frecce Tricolori
Frecce Tricolori
Frecce Tricolori
Frecce Tricolori
Frecce Tricolori
Frecce Tricolori
Frecce Tricolori
Frecce Tricolori
Frecce Tricolori
Frecce Tricolori
Frecce Tricolori
Frecce Tricolori
Frecce Tricolori

Copyright Notice Copyright © 2010 - All rights reserved. All rights reserved. To request a reproduction of the photos send an e-mail: sciemilano [at]