Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Ultimo Female Submission

Oltre lo Schermo: rassegna cinematografica per ragazzi a Gatteo

The Department of Culture of the City of Gatteo in collaboration with the Cultural Association 'Wild Music', offers a film festival that aims to discuss, share and deepen fun different topics related to young people.
For five Fridays, starting November 5, 2010, at 20:45 at the Biblioteca Comunale 'G. Ceccarelli 'Gatteo, you can attend free screenings of the film engaging, probing in a different way and the varied world of youth, which is always full of interesting insights and analysis.

Five films about young people for young people, but not limited to, whether their parents or young people who no longer is, but it was a little 'time ago. It begins Friday, November 5 with 'Caterina in the Big City', which tells the family moved Iacovoni from a small town in Rome: the capital. Paolo Virzi's film shows a haunting kaleidoscope of characters Capitoline upper middle class, from which it only saves the young Catherine, who, with his eyes still intact neutral and look at this strange new world that you pour in the face. Do not miss funny scenes, but just those which are even more laughable thought.

Friday, November 12, again at 20.45, it was the turn of the road movie par excellence: 'Easy Rider'. More than a movie where the actors (Dennis Hopper / Billy, Peter Fonda / Wyatt and Jack Nicholson / George Hanson) talk about bikes, their noise on the asphalt, the wind entering the helmet, the scenery and music. In fact, the lack of dialogue makes up masterfully one of the most recognizable soundtracks in movie history. Who among us does not recognize right from the first notes of 'Born to be wild' of Steppenwolf? And who among us does not imagine listening to cross the U.S. riding Captain America?

The plot is simple, but the same rich food for thought: a journey coast to coast in motion two young hippies punctuated by encounters and adventures in the atmosphere of an America sessantottino. A trip to be taken absolutely.

On November 19 the Library 'G. Ceccarelli 'will see' Thirteen - 13 years'. Tracy is a girl of thirteen who lives with his mother Melanie, a hairdresser at home. He spends his time mostly to study, until he meets Evie, a mother of her friend orphan. The two become friends Evie and Tracy will lead progressively to take all those experiences that a parent living a nightmare: oral sex, drugs, alcohol, piercing, lap dancing and bad company ... The film tries to explore that delicate age, so that worries parents and educators, where a girl is no longer a child, but is not yet a woman. Also puts the spotlight the behavior of parents, who often are unable (or unwilling) to address, resolve or at least try to understand the problems of children.

On 26 November, will be screened at 20.45 'I diari della motocicletta’. Il regista mette in scena ciò che i due protagonisti descrivono nei loro diari riguardo questa avventura. Nel 1952 Ernesto ‘Che’ Guevara e Alberto Granado partendo dall’Argentina, la loro patria, affrontano un viaggio attraverso il Sudamerica per riappropriarsi delle proprie origini e per scoprire se stessi toccando con mano una realtà fatta di povertà, arretratezza, ingiustizie e soprusi storici. Il ritratto dei due giovani amici è struggente anche se a volte ostentatamente "giovanilistico", e l'immagine di Guevara è quella di un giovane inquieto, con un profondo senso della giustizia e dell'onestà, ma politicamente ancora privo di formazione, se non di una forma spontaneistica and third-world approach to reality. A word of advice: do not leave the room at the beginning of the end credits (which is never to be done), you lose some fascinating and original photos of the trip and the old man lived Alberto Granado's face.

The exhibition closes Friday, Dec. 3 with 'Alpha Dog'. The director Nick Cassavetes reconstructs in detail, almost in a documentary, something that really happened a few years ago. The drug dealer Johnny Truelove
clashes with Jake Muzursky, because of an unpaid drug debt. The two characters, both strong personalities collide and the situation worsened rapidly. After a series of events, while Johnny and his gang are head at a party in the desert, kidnap Zack, the younger brother of Jake, in exchange for the payment of all debts. Initially, the boys have no intention to hurt the fifteen Zack and he has no awareness of the danger she is running. A film, highlighting the deterioration of a certain slice of Western teenagers (and adults), it surely does not consider to leave a bit 'with a bitter taste.
This is a rich and varied proposal of the Municipal Library 'G. Ceccarelli 'Gatteo, which awaits the screenings.
For info: Ceccarelli
Public Library Cultural Center "The Antonelli"
Via Roma, 13 - Gatteo
Tel. 0541 932377
E-mail: biblioteca@comune.gatteo.fo.it - Sito: www.comunegatteo.it


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