Monday, May 31, 2010

2006 Fleetwood Niagara a fun and useful tool to identify the aircraft wake, and more! The wakes of è un sito web che mostra il traffico aereo nei cieli d'Europa in "diretta". Il sito riporta informazioni, come ad esempio quota di volo, codice di registrazione e tratta, sugli aircraft equipped with ADS-B transponder. The information is collected from about 100 ADS-B receivers that point to the server which, in turn, shows them on a map where you move so many yellow airplanes. Clicking on an airplane if they get the information. Today about 60% of air passengers (and a small part of the military and private) has a transponder ADS-B (source: lends itself to various uses:
1) allows the identification of aircraft flying at high altitudes;
2) is used to ascertain the airways that pass over us;
3) offers a glimpse of ' amount of air traffic
4) to verify that contrails are formed usually at high altitudes;
5) allows to know at what exact altitude contrails are formed (so as to carry out very precise time of dell'Appleman soundings);
6) is used to validate or derive the formula for calculating the flight of an aircraft from a photograph;
7) suggests looks like a plane flying at 10-11 thousand feet.
In summary, a useful tool for photo enthusiasts who want high-altitude aircraft to name the camera, and for those who have doubts or suspicions about the existence of evil and aircraft should try to verify them.

In recent days I enjoyed the identification of aircraft wake passing on Milan by using this beautiful site by following two ways. The first is to observe
first heaven and, having identified a plane wake, going to see on a map of Milan Flightradar24 what goes on at that time. If there is good and the aircraft transponder is in an active area of \u200b\u200breception, so as to appear on the map.
On 9 May, a day characterized by cloud cover with a few peeps of sun, glancing at the sky I saw coming towards SN plane with a trail to follow that I photographed.

Lufthansa A319 D-AILR
Lufthansa A319 D-AILR

shape and livery makes us think of a Lufthansa Airbus A319. Going to see what goes on at that time Milan confirm our hypothesis: in the direction Sud-Nord transita a 10965 m l'Airbus A319 Lufthansa D-AILR, in volo da Tripoli a Francoforte.

La seconda modalità di identificazione è guardare pazientemente prima la mappa di Flightradar24, verificare quando un aereo ad alta quota punta sulla propria città e, solo allora, guardare il cielo nella direzione opportuna. Magicamente, se son presenti le condizioni per la formazione di contrails vedremo apparire un puntino con scia al seguito.
Potremo allora prepararci a fotografare l'aereo con tutta calma e di quell'aereo sapremo tutto. Qual è il suo codice di registrazione, da dove viene, dove va, a che quota si trova, qual è la sua velocità. Se then photographed with the telescope we have further confirmation that plane, because we will probably be able to read the code Subala, when present.
Here are some examples.

May 22, 2010, at 17:41
Boeing B738 Ryanair EI-EBX
flight altitude: 10,668 m
Route: from Rome Ciampino to Eindhoven.


May 22, 2010, at 18:22
Airmalta Airbus A319 9H-AEJ
flight altitude: 10,058 m
Route: Zurich - Valletta

Airmalta A319 9H-AEJ

May 23 2010, ore 18:19
British Airways Boeing 767-300 G-BZHC
flight altitude: 11,590 m
Route: London Heathrow - London Heathrow

British Airways Boeing 767-300 G-BZHC

Nei prossimi giorni conto di postare altre osservazioni e verifiche effettuate utilizzando Flightradar24.

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