Monday, May 10, 2010

How To Get Free Points In Poptropica

Oklahoma High Risk: 3 tornado intercettati a Medford, 10-05-2010.

After many days of "silence" gone to sleep in motels and shopping, May 10 all the ingredients suggest the possibility of development of violent storms is likely to have strong tornado. From the day we were joined by May 5 Meso Team, a group of American hunters. Upon waking up the sky is cloudy with rain, temperatures are still quite low, but unlike previous days (where we have reached 31 ° F in Kansas) is almost 100% humidity. At 9 am we depart from our motel in Woodward, OK, and we head to our prior target, Perry, Ok. Once in Perry met dozens of other chasers on hold. After about 1 hour and 30 minutes the sky begins to open and start the first cells to the NW of our position. After some indecision about what to do, we decide to head on the cell closest to us, in Grant County. We start to run and the time we reach them in about half an hour just outside Medford. Looking to the WX, shows a shear of 138 mph and also GrLevel2 the radials are at full scale. We stopped to take pictures along the edge of the road and a fair wind to prevent inflow of opening the doors to leeward. Override the backpacks in the back seat and position it in the field beside me, near the other chasers and the distance you hear the sirens of Medford. The cell is approaching fast and soon produced the first tornado touchdown. Remains on the ground after being lifted a few moments and touches earth again. At this moment the wall is producing a tornado multivortex that dissolves after a few seconds. In short, the wall cloud approaching menacingly at us, it's all over our heads. Southwest formed a new wall, which in turn gives rise to a new brief tornado. At times later, we reached RDF and precipitation, so we put ourselves in running along the cell. At the moment there's no tornado on the ground. After a few minutes generates a new short tornado. The cell is moving toward the northeast and south have a new supercell. We decide to give up this and the second intercept. We are a little undecided on the roads to be taken as the risk of hitting the core of hail (also provided for up to 4 inches) is great. We decide to wait until the core steps to intercept the wall in front of us. When the core moves we move toward her and fall to little rainfall. Here we see small debris flying through the air, but mostly leaves of trees in the vicinity ... even the shadow. We opt to stop, because a tornado could be very close, according to reports even 5 minutes before the radio announced a tornado 5 miles south of us. When we share a wall is not defined and can not see any tornado. We lose half of our group of hunting and stopped to call them and find them. After a while we decided to leave the cell at a time just before we were chasing and re-encounter others later. We look at the radar at the Oklahoma City supercell which has several reports of tornadoes and has a beautiful hook and well defined. The supercell is directed almost straight east, moving undaunted in the face of the rest of the time. We plan to try to reach e partiamo in direzione Tulsa, Ok. Dopo più di 1 ora di rincorsa, è evidente che non raggiungeremo mai quella cella: siamo troppo lontani e lei si muove troppo verso est. Allora rinunciamo e, dopo aver provato a raggiungere quella più a nord che poi non ha più mostrato segnali interessanti, ci dirigiamo verso Ponca City dove gli altri del Meso Team ci stanno aspettando ad un motel.
In totale nella giornata del 10-05 sono stati riportati circa 35-40 tornado tra Oklahoma e Kansas. Purtroppo nella zona di Oklahoma City, Norman e Moore ci sono stati 4 morti. Un tornado ha colpito lo Storm Prediction Center di Norman. Uno dei tornado della nostra cella è passato appena a sud di Wakita, dove hanno registrato Twister. A Moore è caduta grandine di 4.25 inches (almost 11 cm).

Medford Medford 2
Supercell Supercell

Here are the radial cell of our tornadoes

The shear on the Wx

Always the same supercell
a little further north

Photos of Allan Detrich (MESO TEAM) THE HUNTING OF May 10

1 tornado multivortex

2nd tornado (you can glimpse the debris to the ground)

3rd tornado

Video "a little agitated" tornado of Nicholas Ubalducci.
Video dei tornado di Wes Carter, membro del Team Meso con cui abbiamo cacciato.

Articolo riportato anche sul sito del Thunderstorm Team.


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