Today we see a second set of photographs of the trails of the day July 25, 2010 (the first series is shown in the previous post) and a brief discussion of the observations made.
At 18:06 watch a Ryanair B738 that produces a beautiful iridescent wake.
Ryanair B737-800 EI-DWL
Altitude: 9754 m
Routing: CAG-FKB
Here his wake after a few minutes.
At 18:19 it's time for a small private jet, a Gulfstream GLF4. Considerable the contrast between the cool and clear wake of the jet and the expanded huge wake of Ryanair. Note the iridescence of the wake of GLF4.
Altitude: 9754 m
At 18:31 it's time for an A320 with Air Malta normal condensation trails ( here a particular unit).
Air Malta A320 9H-AEO
Altitude: 11,064 m
Le tre scie degli apparecchi fin qui mostrati danno origine a un caratteristico asterisco di scie:
Alle 18:41 osservo un Fokker 70.
Austrian Fokker 70 OE-LFK
Altitude: 9936 m
Intorno alle 19:00 è la volta di due apparecchi in volo in direzione NE-SO che seguono due rotte parallele producendo scie iridescenti. La distanza verticale tra i due apparecchi è di circa 600 m. Transita per primo un A320 Finnair.
Finnair A320 OH-LXH
Altitude: 9464 m
Followed by an A320 Fly Niki. In the picture also the lingering scent of Finnair.
Fly Niki A320 OE-LEA
Altitude: 10,066 m
Routing: VIE-NCE
Here's how the wakes of the two devices appear after their passage:
Scie persistent OH-LXH + OE-LEA
The July 25, 2010 it was possible to observe numerous trails of air to Milan, some of which have shown spectacular iridescence. These particular trails can be tentatively identified as aerodynamic contrails (see the analysis of atmospheric data in the previous post).
The photographs and data of today's post and the previous show that the combined use of a telephoto lens and / or a telescope, the flight data obtained from the site , and weather data recorded by the radiosonde ( Atmospheric Sounding) is a useful methodology for the study of contrails from the ground.
This methodology may also allow those who still had doubts about the existence of chemtrails, to identify virtually any plane in flight, with or without a wake. So talk of planes "unspecified" in the debate on Chemtrails (always that this debate still exists) will now completely anachronistic. An unidentified plane is simply an aircraft that could be .. identified better ;-)
final note that with this methodology, which mainly use to name the aircraft photographer (and starting to be many), I saw and still see the sky of Milan basically normal air line of models and different companies. Something to those who believe in the existence of evil aerobotti should perhaps start thinking.
Copyright Notice Copyright © 2010 - All rights reserved. All rights reserved. To request a reproduction of the photographs to write e-mail: sciemilano [at]
At 18:06 watch a Ryanair B738 that produces a beautiful iridescent wake.
Ryanair B737-800 EI-DWL
Altitude: 9754 m
Routing: CAG-FKB
Here his wake after a few minutes.
At 18:19 it's time for a small private jet, a Gulfstream GLF4. Considerable the contrast between the cool and clear wake of the jet and the expanded huge wake of Ryanair. Note the iridescence of the wake of GLF4.
Altitude: 9754 m
At 18:31 it's time for an A320 with Air Malta normal condensation trails ( here a particular unit).
Air Malta A320 9H-AEO
Altitude: 11,064 m
Le tre scie degli apparecchi fin qui mostrati danno origine a un caratteristico asterisco di scie:
Alle 18:41 osservo un Fokker 70.
Austrian Fokker 70 OE-LFK
Altitude: 9936 m
Intorno alle 19:00 è la volta di due apparecchi in volo in direzione NE-SO che seguono due rotte parallele producendo scie iridescenti. La distanza verticale tra i due apparecchi è di circa 600 m. Transita per primo un A320 Finnair.
Finnair A320 OH-LXH
Altitude: 9464 m
Followed by an A320 Fly Niki. In the picture also the lingering scent of Finnair.
Fly Niki A320 OE-LEA
Altitude: 10,066 m
Routing: VIE-NCE
Here's how the wakes of the two devices appear after their passage:
Scie persistent OH-LXH + OE-LEA
The July 25, 2010 it was possible to observe numerous trails of air to Milan, some of which have shown spectacular iridescence. These particular trails can be tentatively identified as aerodynamic contrails (see the analysis of atmospheric data in the previous post).
The photographs and data of today's post and the previous show that the combined use of a telephoto lens and / or a telescope, the flight data obtained from the site , and weather data recorded by the radiosonde ( Atmospheric Sounding) is a useful methodology for the study of contrails from the ground.
This methodology may also allow those who still had doubts about the existence of chemtrails, to identify virtually any plane in flight, with or without a wake. So talk of planes "unspecified" in the debate on Chemtrails (always that this debate still exists) will now completely anachronistic. An unidentified plane is simply an aircraft that could be .. identified better ;-)
final note that with this methodology, which mainly use to name the aircraft photographer (and starting to be many), I saw and still see the sky of Milan basically normal air line of models and different companies. Something to those who believe in the existence of evil aerobotti should perhaps start thinking.
Copyright Notice Copyright © 2010 - All rights reserved. All rights reserved. To request a reproduction of the photographs to write e-mail: sciemilano [at]
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