Monday, January 31, 2011

Santa Clara Appraisal District

At school with the salt: the training the museum of the salt of Cervia

The project has already been successfully tested in 2008, founded by Musa, the museum's halls, with the intent of not losing the cultural patrimony so tied to the roots of civilization that lives in salt Camillone Cervia and museum.

Our roots are closely tied to the history of our salt and the production of so-called "white gold". In the training of primary school children working on the story local history and deepen Cervia, also with an interest in the saline and the work of man. It 'clear that a more direct experience involves the students thus promoting learning that being "discovery" is much more effective. In agreement with the teachers, the museum has brought in the year of the study of history Cervia, the insertion of a series of meetings and tours that help children to understand the roots of the village. These are different times inside and outside the school that will allow the young to get in touch with people and places that speak of the past and traditions.

are 4 training sessions dedicated to identity Cervia. In
class enters the "salter" who speaks of the work in the salt, even telling his life experience and how the work of the man with the sun and wind has the power to give the fruit salt. It will work on salt production and will discuss the various stages with the aid of a DVD that shows the salt to work the various phases of activity in the salt, the preparation of the funds and the bank until the harvesting of salt. In a short sequence of images are then crossed with an experienced guide, months of work. The salter also tell stories about their lives in salt and answer questions and curiosity of children

Later, is to tour the museum. Here we come in contact with the tools and sites of the civilization of salt under the guidance of those who lived in that world. During the visit we will explore the topics covered in class and you can observe the tools used for salt production.

Pupils will be donated "Marinella, the drop of salt," publication dedicated to the children that explains in a simple form of the fable of the salt production process.

We then move on to a guided tour with an eye to see everything that surrounds us every day. During the tour we will focus on the peculiar history of the locality, on his transfer and the particular structure of the center.

the fourth step, in saline, it will go to the rediscovery of the places where stood the first settlements in Cervia. You will then resumed the history of the town and visit the area in which there was Cervia old. The children can understand and imagine the structure of the old city, will have notebooks for notes and information materials "suitable for children." Overall objective of the project is to develop into future citizens of a personal consciousness that will facilitate the choices of the future. More specifically the project aims to: raise awareness and make tangible the history of salt and the city, to acquaint students the hard work that has sustained the economy for generations Cervia, to understand the value of the roots of a civilization, foster a sense of community and also strengthen the relationship between generations

The project, funded by the Salt Museum and then free for schools is dedicated to primary schools and special classes that have joined with the third entusiasmo.Saranno then 11 classes that follow the curriculum for a total of 214 students and 22 teachers. The first matches are already in mid-February while the latter will be in mid-April.

"This is an important cultural operation time to the formation of new citizens in order to provide them with those qualities that distinguish us and that made Cervia first of all the "City of Salt", and of course of great tourist attraction. - Said the Head of Culture of the Municipality of Cervia Alberto Donati-Knowledge and understanding of the past raises awareness of food-borne sense of belonging and identity. Citizens aware of their origins choices more easily work in harmony with the past and the prospect of a sustainable future. "
the salt involved in the project are of course the group Cultural Civilization Salinari. In
saline instead be the environmental guides to accompany the cooperative Atlantis the boys and tell the story of the city.

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Buzz Light Year Cakes In Phx

Boom cruise among young people: the most searched

's over the era when cruises were the ideal holiday for families and mature couples. Today there are more and more young people who choose an adventure at sea. In the last month, the portal we Cruises, which specializes in booking cruises online, reported an increase of 16% of requests by individuals with less than 35 years.
The young people of the cruise is represented mostly by men who constitute 57% of those intending to book a trip on a cruise. The age group most representative among the young is rather one that goes from 26 to 34 years.

"Now shipping companies are increasingly prepared to welcome a younger market that wants to have fun and play lots of activities during the holiday period. And the result, data in hand, seems to respond with enthusiasm. In particular, our booking service to get so many requests from young couples and groups of friends, "said Joseph Gambardella, founder of the portal we Cruises.

Among the reasons that lead young people to choose a cruise vacation than other types of figure the first opportunity to visit more places in the same room, without feeling the fatigue and stress of the move. In addition, many are attracted

by the presence on board of different attractions such as nightclubs, cinemas, areas dedicated to fitness and wellness centers. Another factor that argues in favor of the cruise, then the price is certainly due to the discounts that are applied by companies for people aged between 18 and 34 years.

"Many shipping companies apply special promotions for young people: if all booth companions are between 18 and 34 years can enjoy a discount can be as high as 200 €. The promotion usually is applied to all departures and in any season, "states Joseph Gambardella. But what

sono gli itinerari preferiti dal target young? Secondo lo staff di Noi Crociere le crociere più amate sono di certo quelle che toccano le coste della Spagna, delle Baleari e della Tunisia. Al secondo posto figura, invece, la crociera diretta in Grecia, Turchia e Croazia. In particolare la Spagna e la Grecia vengono apprezzate per i divertimenti notturni e per le spiagge attrezzate. Il periodo in cui i giovani sono più propensi a partire è, oltre a quello estivo, anche quello delle vacanze pasquali e dei ponti lunghi della bella stagione.

“Sono sempre più gettonate le mini crociere di 4-5 giorni, soprattutto per coloro che desiderano una fuga veloce e rigenerante dalla città. L’ultimo trend dei giovanissimi è quello to choose the cruise that touches Barcelona and Ibiza, the nightlife in order to live to 100%, "concluded Giuseppe Gambardella

Friday, January 21, 2011

Sample Tv Programme Proposal

cruise holidays in the Balearic Islands: the 2011 becomes a Valentine's gift

Make an original gift and suitable friend or relative is always a difficult task. That's why you are never short of ideas, is becoming increasingly popular in the habit of giving, experiences and emotions. This was revealed by the data are collected from the portal specializes in holidays at sea, we Cruises, which showed that the trend of the moment is to donate a trip, preferably on a cruise.
"Surprise your friends, emotion or tear a smile is the best gift we can receive, said Joseph Gambardella founder of We Cruises, which is why more and more often when there are recurrences or happy occasions tend to share the excitement of an enjoyable experience as particularly original or just a holiday can be. Especially during the Christmas period, we registered a real boom in requests for discount coupons or special packages for cruises, the most coveted gift of 2010. "

The data of the most popular search engines, speak it clear in the last 12 months online searches on the words "holiday gift" or "excite" have grown 20% over 2009, with peaks recorded in particular in December, in concomitanza con il Natale e nel periodo di Luglio, momento clou per le prenotazioni del comparto turistico. In questo scenario la crociera, come regalo, secondo i dati di Noi Crociere, registra un più 5% rispetto allo scorso anno.

“La crociera è un viaggio completo, commenta Gambardella, essendo adatta ad ogni tipologia di cliente, dal giovane al turista più âgée, la crociera è il regalo migliore che si possa fare nel momento in cui si vuole far vivere una emozione sempre diversa in ogni momento della vacanza.”

Per il 54% dei clienti di Noi Crociere che hanno scelto di regalare un viaggio, la scelta è caduta su questa tipologia di vacanza proprio perché particolarmente attrattiva, vista la possibilità di visitare in pochi giorni ed a prezzi competitivi destinazioni differenti in una unica soluzione. Il 23% sceglie di regalare una crociera per la garanzia che forniscono le compagnie crocieristiche di avere servizi extralusso, che danno la possibilità al destinatario del regalo di vivere il sogno di un 5 stelle in mare. Usufruire di servizi di intrattenimento all’avanguardia come cinema 3D e Simulatori di Guida sono i motivi per cui il 18% decide di donare una crociera. Infine per il 5% sceglie una vacanza in mare perché permette di accontentare tutti i membri di una famiglia qualsiasi sia l’età

Monday, January 17, 2011

How To Clean Galvanized Trailer

original wine tasting in Tuscany

Chi ha detto che a San Valentino bisogna necessariamente seguire lo schema tradizionale della cena Candlelight with the inevitable bunch of red roses? For those who will not settle for tradition, Ampeleia cellar Roccatederighi (Gr) offers an original way to celebrate February 14.
The ingredients are: the rolling Tuscan hills in the area of \u200b\u200bGrosseto, a slight breeze, a romantic gazebo surrounded by a vineyard, a bottle in "special edition" to crown the love and lots of cuddles. Mark Tait, a young winemaker from the multi-cultural background, has created a special wine for the occasion with two of the vines that are the basis of the wines produced by Ampeleia: the Kepos, which consists of five different grape varieties, and that translates Ampeleia 'expression of seven varieties of the Mediterranean. Together with the people Ampeleia, lovers can discover the history of this union, the origins of these grapes and the result of the union, which is in fact also an expression of Ampeleia project, born of the sincere friendship between the three founding members, who have come together to share an idea, a passion for wine. For one day this feeling is shared and enhanced by the elegant tasting gazebo surrounded by vineyards Ampeleia above, the highest part of the company, where the passion is tinged with even more red, including a special wine tasting and small specialty premises.

experience destined to last time and sealed by a special memory. At the end of the free tasting, the couple can purchase at a cost of € 30 a bottle with custom label with the names of two lovers. Ampeleia wine is a reality that is expressed through its territory and the influences of the Mediterranean blowing nearby. The character of the land and climatic diversity, are reflected in its red wines from specific aromatic notes: seductive variety of authentic perfumes in which elegance and identity are immediately obvious.

Ampeleia Location Meleta - Roccatederighi Roccastrada (Gr) T. 0564567154

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Make A Slide Projector

My Special K, get in shape with a diet before the summer holidays

That the target sia quello di indossare l’abito da sposa dei vostri sogni o, più semplicemente, quello di rientrare nei jeans di una taglia fa, sul sito My Special K (, potete davvero trovare preziosi consigli.
Il portale di educazione e consulenza nutrizionale My Special K offre un supporto digitale con tutti gli strumenti per raggiungere il peso desiderato: dal registro del peso e delle misure fino al diario alimentare e al calcolatore rapido dell’Indice di Massa Corporea (IMC), il

valore che vi rivela se siete in forma oppure no. E ancora: potete richiedere gratuitamente i piani alimentari personalizzati messi a punto dagli esperti My Special K, attingere ai consigli dei nutrizionisti e dei personal trainer più accredited, and fashion tips to make the most of your forms.

A customized nutrition plan.
Whether your need is to conquer the ideal weight, whether you want to get in better shape to face a special event or to hold the line, you can claim your free food program My Special K by filling out the form on the site. And there's more inside the program My Special K are also a number of delicious recipes and fun, ideal for every moment of your diet, the three main meals with snacks. And the beginning of your new location food you can choose a "great start to the" receiving emails with motivational tips and tricks for the first 15 days of the plan.

Three weeks to a lifestyle
SMART Read the instructions on product packaging to use the GDA - the guideline daily amounts of calories and nutrients - and the recommended servings of each food to keep under control the quantity of food eaten in 'throughout the day, avoiding alcohol and late-night snacks are just some of the suggestions from nutritionists My Special K to get back into shape in just 21 days, with realistic goals and SMART (Specific, Measurable, affordable, realistic, a certain period of time). And if you want to get advice directly from My Nutritionist Special K, send them an e-mail address specified in the special section of the site.

Password "movement."
Perform regular physical activity is beneficial to our health and our well-being and is essential for your metabolism, increasing energy expenditure. And 'why the personal trainer My Special K's team studied some simple exercises to help you sport at any time of day: a brisk walk every day for at least 30 minutes, a ride to the park, some tanks in the pool ... But also household activities like doing the housework, climbing stairs, washing machine. And again, all i consigli e gli esercizi per tonificare i punti critici e conquistare addominali supertonificati.

Segreti di stile per una silhouette da passerella.
Dai capi d’abbigliamento più trendy ai classici intramontabili, fino agli accessori, ai colori e ai modelli più adatti a valorizzare le forme di ogni donna: all’interno del sito potete trovare una sezione espressamente dedicata ai consigli degli esperti d’immagine My Special K.

Qualche esempio? Un cappotto con un punto vita ben evidenziato o con spalle ben marcate sarà la scelta vincente per valorizzare una silhouette “a pera”, mentre una cintura alta, stile impero, sarà perfetta per slanciare il punto vita nel caso in cui abbiate a silhouette "on apple." If you have a physical minute episodes on short leaders with simple buttons or not to overburden the figure.

Take a test: armchair or healthy?
Olympic champion extreme sofa with remote control, or chocolate chips always at hand, or health-conscious with a vengeance, immune to super high-calorie drinks and Christmas dinners in the name of a strong defense of weight and diet? To help you understand what way the best suits your lifestyle, we invite you to participate in our test on Facebook, January 12 to 31, simply by accessing the link: Once you've identified your habits food, it will be easier to choose your "battles" and decide which aspects of change.