Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Make A Slide Projector

My Special K, get in shape with a diet before the summer holidays

That the target sia quello di indossare l’abito da sposa dei vostri sogni o, più semplicemente, quello di rientrare nei jeans di una taglia fa, sul sito My Special K (www.myspecialk.it), potete davvero trovare preziosi consigli.
Il portale di educazione e consulenza nutrizionale My Special K offre un supporto digitale con tutti gli strumenti per raggiungere il peso desiderato: dal registro del peso e delle misure fino al diario alimentare e al calcolatore rapido dell’Indice di Massa Corporea (IMC), il

valore che vi rivela se siete in forma oppure no. E ancora: potete richiedere gratuitamente i piani alimentari personalizzati messi a punto dagli esperti My Special K, attingere ai consigli dei nutrizionisti e dei personal trainer più accredited, and fashion tips to make the most of your forms.

A customized nutrition plan.
Whether your need is to conquer the ideal weight, whether you want to get in better shape to face a special event or to hold the line, you can claim your free food program My Special K by filling out the form on the site. And there's more inside the program My Special K are also a number of delicious recipes and fun, ideal for every moment of your diet, the three main meals with snacks. And the beginning of your new location food you can choose a "great start to the" receiving emails with motivational tips and tricks for the first 15 days of the plan.

Three weeks to a lifestyle
SMART Read the instructions on product packaging to use the GDA - the guideline daily amounts of calories and nutrients - and the recommended servings of each food to keep under control the quantity of food eaten in 'throughout the day, avoiding alcohol and late-night snacks are just some of the suggestions from nutritionists My Special K to get back into shape in just 21 days, with realistic goals and SMART (Specific, Measurable, affordable, realistic, a certain period of time). And if you want to get advice directly from My Nutritionist Special K, send them an e-mail address specified in the special section of the site.

Password "movement."
Perform regular physical activity is beneficial to our health and our well-being and is essential for your metabolism, increasing energy expenditure. And 'why the personal trainer My Special K's team studied some simple exercises to help you sport at any time of day: a brisk walk every day for at least 30 minutes, a ride to the park, some tanks in the pool ... But also household activities like doing the housework, climbing stairs, washing machine. And again, all i consigli e gli esercizi per tonificare i punti critici e conquistare addominali supertonificati.

Segreti di stile per una silhouette da passerella.
Dai capi d’abbigliamento più trendy ai classici intramontabili, fino agli accessori, ai colori e ai modelli più adatti a valorizzare le forme di ogni donna: all’interno del sito potete trovare una sezione espressamente dedicata ai consigli degli esperti d’immagine My Special K.

Qualche esempio? Un cappotto con un punto vita ben evidenziato o con spalle ben marcate sarà la scelta vincente per valorizzare una silhouette “a pera”, mentre una cintura alta, stile impero, sarà perfetta per slanciare il punto vita nel caso in cui abbiate a silhouette "on apple." If you have a physical minute episodes on short leaders with simple buttons or not to overburden the figure.

Take a test: armchair or healthy?
Olympic champion extreme sofa with remote control, or chocolate chips always at hand, or health-conscious with a vengeance, immune to super high-calorie drinks and Christmas dinners in the name of a strong defense of weight and diet? To help you understand what way the best suits your lifestyle, we invite you to participate in our test on Facebook, January 12 to 31, simply by accessing the link: http://apps.facebook.com/poltronistasalutist. Once you've identified your habits food, it will be easier to choose your "battles" and decide which aspects of change.


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