Boom cruise among young people: the most searched
's over the era when cruises were the ideal holiday for families and mature couples. Today there are more and more young people who choose an adventure at sea. In the last month, the portal we Cruises, which specializes in booking cruises online, reported an increase of 16% of requests by individuals with less than 35 years.
The young people of the cruise is represented mostly by men who constitute 57% of those intending to book a trip on a cruise. The age group most representative among the young is rather one that goes from 26 to 34 years.
"Now shipping companies are increasingly prepared to welcome a younger market that wants to have fun and play lots of activities during the holiday period. And the result, data in hand, seems to respond with enthusiasm. In particular, our booking service to get so many requests from young couples and groups of friends, "said Joseph Gambardella, founder of the portal we Cruises.
Among the reasons that lead young people to choose a cruise vacation than other types of figure the first opportunity to visit more places in the same room, without feeling the fatigue and stress of the move. In addition, many are attracted
by the presence on board of different attractions such as nightclubs, cinemas, areas dedicated to fitness and wellness centers. Another factor that argues in favor of the cruise, then the price is certainly due to the discounts that are applied by companies for people aged between 18 and 34 years.
"Many shipping companies apply special promotions for young people: if all booth companions are between 18 and 34 years can enjoy a discount can be as high as 200 €. The promotion usually is applied to all departures and in any season, "states Joseph Gambardella. But what
sono gli itinerari preferiti dal target young? Secondo lo staff di Noi Crociere le crociere più amate sono di certo quelle che toccano le coste della Spagna, delle Baleari e della Tunisia. Al secondo posto figura, invece, la crociera diretta in Grecia, Turchia e Croazia. In particolare la Spagna e la Grecia vengono apprezzate per i divertimenti notturni e per le spiagge attrezzate. Il periodo in cui i giovani sono più propensi a partire è, oltre a quello estivo, anche quello delle vacanze pasquali e dei ponti lunghi della bella stagione.
“Sono sempre più gettonate le mini crociere di 4-5 giorni, soprattutto per coloro che desiderano una fuga veloce e rigenerante dalla città. L’ultimo trend dei giovanissimi è quello to choose the cruise that touches Barcelona and Ibiza, the nightlife in order to live to 100%, "concluded Giuseppe Gambardella
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