Jeffrey Swann and the 'genius of Beethoven' players del Festival Dino Ciani
The opportunity to begin the new year of great music in Cortina d'Ampezzo is presented on January 3 with the winter concert Maestro Jeffrey Swann will be held at the Grand Hotel Savoia (Sala dolomite, 21.00) organized by Dino Ciani Festival and Academy, a real anticipation of the fifth edition of the summer festival to be held between July and August 2011.
the genius of Beethoven, "the American pianist Jeffrey Swann, five years from the Artistic Director of the Festival and Academy Dino Ciani-commitment that carries forward with great dedication despite the commitments of a busy international career, has decided to spend the evening.
The concert will unfold between the three piano sonatas of Beethoven, from Op No .2 2 in A major, the famous settlement known as 'Moonlight' (Op. 27 No. 2 in C sharp minor) to the 'Waldstein' (in C major op.53.) An appointment to the Grand Hotel Savoia Dino Ciani Festival that the renewed enthusiasm. Many major hotels are home to Cortina d'Ampezzo in fact, during the summer, many events of the Festival, confirming the ideal meeting place with artists and listen to the young talents Academy, as well as in-depth conversations, such as music, often in relation to other forms of expression, is the protagonist.
The concert on January 3 will be the occasion to announce to the fans and the public for the 2011 winter the main new features, including a first hint was given Sunday, December 19 during a press dedicated to the happenings organized by Cortina Turismo . The
5. Festival and Academy Dino Ciani devote some of his appointments to the bicentenary of the birth of Franz Liszt, and will be an evening focused on the production of Gustav Mahler, which marks the centenary of the death instead. Last but not least The fifth edition of the festival coincides with what would have been the seventieth birthday by Dino Ciani. Among international artists and young talents from around the world will be kept regular appointments with the workshops and concerts of the Academy overtime, much appreciated by the audience, which complement each other, in terms of music, the offerings of the summer Ampezzo. During the meeting of January 3, you can also join the Association "Friends of the Festival and Academy Dino Ciani".
The winter concert is made possible through the support of the Grand Hotel Savoia, Doug Giancoli, Arlene and Fazioli pianos, which since 1981 has been designing and manufacturing pianos in full only concert grand and high-quality and limited in its factory Sacile (PN).
Admission: Adults Euro 25.00
Friends of the Festival and Academy membership card with Dino Ciani: Euro 20.00
Membership Association "Amici del Dino Ciani Festival and Academy" as a socio Friend (€ 100) includes two tickets to "The genius of Beethoven."
Tickets are on sale at the Info Point in Piazza Roma.
Information:, Tel.0436 869086
Thursday, December 30, 2010
Monday, December 27, 2010
How To Masterbate In The Shower
La Befana a Spoleto con la Playtoy Orchestra
For Befana gives a toy to make people smile. Thursday, January 6, 2011, to Starting from 16.00, there will be "An Epiphany solidarity!" event organized by the municipality of Spoleto, in collaboration with ACME Productions at the New Theatre "Gian Carlo Menotti." The idea is to invite everyone to bring their used toys in good condition to donate them to underprivileged children.
La Befana is for them. All toys collected will be donated to needy children who are at the pediatric wards of hospitals, orphanages, reception centers, community centers, the Diocesan Caritas and similar structures.
Teatro Nuovo "Gian Carlo Menotti" At 16.00
to entertain young and old, there will be il concerto di beneficenza della PLAYTOY ORCHESTRA, realizzato in collaborazione con Telethon, durante il quale si raccoglieranno giocattoli usati da destinare a tutti i bambini meno fortunati. Parte dell’incasso sarà devoluto a Telethon. Per i più piccoli (ma anche per le famiglie) una proposta davvero insolita, la sola orchestra al mondo che suona soltanto strumenti giocattolo, a dimostrare che anche i grandi classici possono diventare un gioco e al tempo stesso che giocando si può familiarizzare con loro. Vengono dalla Campania, ma hanno suonato in tutto il mondo; si sono fatti ammirare per televisione e per radio e ora portano a Spoleto un modo di far conoscere la musica che riuscirà certo divertentissimo, ma che saprà anche aiutare bambini and boys to enter a world too often seen as distant and difficult, but that may be available to everyone. As a toy, in fact. Musical Instruments happy to offer three hundred and sixty degrees, with Morricone and Rossini, Mozart and easy jazz, Quincy Jones and Beethoven, Brahms and Johann Strauss: to remind us that in many languages \u200b\u200b"play and play" translate the same verb ...
Square Collicola
Take your toy and get a treat in exchange for all children, starting at 17.00, there will be a moment of music and entertainment to celebrate the arrival of the Befana. Wrap the gift with a transparent paper and hand it over at the corner of collection located at the Piazza where Collicola si svolgerà il momento di animazione per festeggiare l’arrivo della Befana! i Tutti i giocattoli pervenuti saranno donati ai bambini bisognosi.
Fabrizio Cusani: direttore e voci, fischio, fischietti e pupazzi di plastica, pianino di Charlie Brown, xilofonino, chitarrina. Roberto Polcino: fisarmonichetta, organo Bontempi. Antonio Maria Boscaino: chitarra basso toy. Gianpasquale Cusano: percussioni di plastica e cartone toy. Fabiano Fasoli: organo Bontempi, pupazzi di plastica e xilofono giocattolo. Marco Pietrantonio: batteria toy. Giorgio Stefanelli: organo Bontempi.
La Playtoy Orchestra è la prima band al mondo che suona attraverso l’utilizzo esclusivo di strumenti giocattolo Bontempi and other toys that make sounds. This image gives the band play and humor as well as a very original tone. The first difficulty encountered by the band in live performance
was to keep children away from twenty-five toy instruments placed on the stage. Courage and commitment was, then, the adaptation of instruments to musicians toy designed for children, so small, resulting in limited and limiting step in terms of octaves, their keyboards The great variety of percussion woodwind instruments, plastic and cardboard The extravagance of the sounds of keyboard, accordion, and puppets of xilofonini rubber raised no doubt, by directing the band since its inception in 2002, to a brilliant general, instrumental, which enhances the arrangements, melodies and sounds and that it pushes on large and small, on the connoisseurs of music and listeners on more distracted.
The unforgettable film scores, commercial jingles are successful, the exotic atmosphere of the mambo and bossa nova, to the current drift neo lounge operated by expert manipulators of the electronic scene drum'n'base and chill-out, are the armature that supports the brilliant footage of Playtoy Orchestra, enriched with changes of rhythm, phrasing and rapid styles, such as to attack the audience nicely.
Admission fee
INFO: - \u200b\u200bTel 393 20 10 202 -
Teatro Nuovo "Gian Carlo Menotti" - Via S. Vaita Andrea, 12 - 06049 Spoleto (PG)
For Befana gives a toy to make people smile. Thursday, January 6, 2011, to Starting from 16.00, there will be "An Epiphany solidarity!" event organized by the municipality of Spoleto, in collaboration with ACME Productions at the New Theatre "Gian Carlo Menotti." The idea is to invite everyone to bring their used toys in good condition to donate them to underprivileged children.
La Befana is for them. All toys collected will be donated to needy children who are at the pediatric wards of hospitals, orphanages, reception centers, community centers, the Diocesan Caritas and similar structures.
Teatro Nuovo "Gian Carlo Menotti" At 16.00
to entertain young and old, there will be il concerto di beneficenza della PLAYTOY ORCHESTRA, realizzato in collaborazione con Telethon, durante il quale si raccoglieranno giocattoli usati da destinare a tutti i bambini meno fortunati. Parte dell’incasso sarà devoluto a Telethon. Per i più piccoli (ma anche per le famiglie) una proposta davvero insolita, la sola orchestra al mondo che suona soltanto strumenti giocattolo, a dimostrare che anche i grandi classici possono diventare un gioco e al tempo stesso che giocando si può familiarizzare con loro. Vengono dalla Campania, ma hanno suonato in tutto il mondo; si sono fatti ammirare per televisione e per radio e ora portano a Spoleto un modo di far conoscere la musica che riuscirà certo divertentissimo, ma che saprà anche aiutare bambini and boys to enter a world too often seen as distant and difficult, but that may be available to everyone. As a toy, in fact. Musical Instruments happy to offer three hundred and sixty degrees, with Morricone and Rossini, Mozart and easy jazz, Quincy Jones and Beethoven, Brahms and Johann Strauss: to remind us that in many languages \u200b\u200b"play and play" translate the same verb ...
Square Collicola
Take your toy and get a treat in exchange for all children, starting at 17.00, there will be a moment of music and entertainment to celebrate the arrival of the Befana. Wrap the gift with a transparent paper and hand it over at the corner of collection located at the Piazza where Collicola si svolgerà il momento di animazione per festeggiare l’arrivo della Befana! i Tutti i giocattoli pervenuti saranno donati ai bambini bisognosi.
Fabrizio Cusani: direttore e voci, fischio, fischietti e pupazzi di plastica, pianino di Charlie Brown, xilofonino, chitarrina. Roberto Polcino: fisarmonichetta, organo Bontempi. Antonio Maria Boscaino: chitarra basso toy. Gianpasquale Cusano: percussioni di plastica e cartone toy. Fabiano Fasoli: organo Bontempi, pupazzi di plastica e xilofono giocattolo. Marco Pietrantonio: batteria toy. Giorgio Stefanelli: organo Bontempi.
La Playtoy Orchestra è la prima band al mondo che suona attraverso l’utilizzo esclusivo di strumenti giocattolo Bontempi and other toys that make sounds. This image gives the band play and humor as well as a very original tone. The first difficulty encountered by the band in live performance
was to keep children away from twenty-five toy instruments placed on the stage. Courage and commitment was, then, the adaptation of instruments to musicians toy designed for children, so small, resulting in limited and limiting step in terms of octaves, their keyboards The great variety of percussion woodwind instruments, plastic and cardboard The extravagance of the sounds of keyboard, accordion, and puppets of xilofonini rubber raised no doubt, by directing the band since its inception in 2002, to a brilliant general, instrumental, which enhances the arrangements, melodies and sounds and that it pushes on large and small, on the connoisseurs of music and listeners on more distracted.
The unforgettable film scores, commercial jingles are successful, the exotic atmosphere of the mambo and bossa nova, to the current drift neo lounge operated by expert manipulators of the electronic scene drum'n'base and chill-out, are the armature that supports the brilliant footage of Playtoy Orchestra, enriched with changes of rhythm, phrasing and rapid styles, such as to attack the audience nicely.
Admission fee
INFO: - \u200b\u200bTel 393 20 10 202 -
Teatro Nuovo "Gian Carlo Menotti" - Via S. Vaita Andrea, 12 - 06049 Spoleto (PG)
Thursday, December 23, 2010
How Can Replace A Rizla
I single partono per rimorchiare, Il 29% sceglie la vacanza per conoscere nuovi amici
An eye to the heart and a portfolio: singles choose the holiday of dreams. According to a survey of tour operators Speed \u200b\u200bVacations, which specializes in vacation cruises for singles, 29% of free spirits admits that the factor that most influences the choice of holiday is the opportunity to meet new people.
The need to save money and get the most fun at the lowest possible cost concerns 21% of singles who confesses considerare il costo, il primo fattore che condiziona le preferenze di viaggio.
“Per chi parte da solo è fondamentale conoscere gente nuova con cui condividere l’emozione del viaggio. Per questo si tendono a scegliere tipologie di vacanza o mete che favoriscono l’aggregazione. In un momento di crisi, tuttavia, è importante anche tenere sott’occhio il prezzo, soprattutto per i single che devono affrontare il costo del supplemento singola. Molti preferiscono rivolgersi così a quei tour operator che organizzano vacanze di gruppo e che permettono di condividere la sistemazione” spiega Giuseppe Gambardella, fondatore di Speed Vacanze e Speed Date, società che organizza eventi per single.
Il 19% degli spiriti free, however, priority to the presence of an animation team to book a holiday. The attendants, tour guides and facilitators, in fact, help even the most timid to break the ice and make new friends during vacanza.Vi then 18% of passengers erupted for which it is essential to the quality of the host, so be considered the determining factor for choosing a destination rather than another.
"Most of the single party alone because their holidays do not coincide with those of friends or because their circle of friends consists mainly of couples. In this situation plays a key role in the animation that facilitates socialization through excursions and entertainment activities. In my experience many students leave to find new friends, and some are even something more, maybe a new love, "says Gambardella." Usually those who decide to leave alone has a large open-mindedness, especially when they are young people between 30 to 40 years. The intention is to discover new places, but also new people and new modes of travel. Adapting to a different kitchen is really the minimum and often proves to be very nice! "Says Gambardella.
An eye to the heart and a portfolio: singles choose the holiday of dreams. According to a survey of tour operators Speed \u200b\u200bVacations, which specializes in vacation cruises for singles, 29% of free spirits admits that the factor that most influences the choice of holiday is the opportunity to meet new people.
The need to save money and get the most fun at the lowest possible cost concerns 21% of singles who confesses considerare il costo, il primo fattore che condiziona le preferenze di viaggio.
“Per chi parte da solo è fondamentale conoscere gente nuova con cui condividere l’emozione del viaggio. Per questo si tendono a scegliere tipologie di vacanza o mete che favoriscono l’aggregazione. In un momento di crisi, tuttavia, è importante anche tenere sott’occhio il prezzo, soprattutto per i single che devono affrontare il costo del supplemento singola. Molti preferiscono rivolgersi così a quei tour operator che organizzano vacanze di gruppo e che permettono di condividere la sistemazione” spiega Giuseppe Gambardella, fondatore di Speed Vacanze e Speed Date, società che organizza eventi per single.
Il 19% degli spiriti free, however, priority to the presence of an animation team to book a holiday. The attendants, tour guides and facilitators, in fact, help even the most timid to break the ice and make new friends during vacanza.Vi then 18% of passengers erupted for which it is essential to the quality of the host, so be considered the determining factor for choosing a destination rather than another.
"Most of the single party alone because their holidays do not coincide with those of friends or because their circle of friends consists mainly of couples. In this situation plays a key role in the animation that facilitates socialization through excursions and entertainment activities. In my experience many students leave to find new friends, and some are even something more, maybe a new love, "says Gambardella." Usually those who decide to leave alone has a large open-mindedness, especially when they are young people between 30 to 40 years. The intention is to discover new places, but also new people and new modes of travel. Adapting to a different kitchen is really the minimum and often proves to be very nice! "Says Gambardella.
Waverunner Vx 110 Schema
Un Barolo guida la classifica dei migliori 100 vini del 2010
E 'Marcenasco 2006 Renato Ratti Barolo to lead the standings prestigious' Top 100 2010' the magazine 'Wine Enthusiast'. Among the most influential heads of the international wine industry, the magazine has awarded the U.S. for the first time an Italian wine, choosing the famous Piedmont red wine produced from Renato Ratti.
'We are proud of this award which recognizes the commitment and dedication of the company' says owner Pietro Ratti of Renato Ratti winery that continues' Barolo Marcenasco is still one of the most appreciated wines in the wine Italian and internationally and is a great honor to represent the Italian wine Barolo and for the first time in this important ranking '.
E 'in the rolling hills of the Langhe Barolo are the vineyards of Marcenasco, named after an area whose ancient origins are confirmed by documents testifying to the cultivation of Nebbiolo grapes already in the twelfth century. Wine with intense aroma and full bodied Barolo DOCG 2006 Marcenasco contains the typical features of the area of \u200b\u200bLa Morra, the home of Renato Ratti Cantina.
Not far away, in Costigliole d'Asti in the Monferrato, the Ratti family provides for summer 2011 opening Pattono Villa, a country mansion in 1700, destined to become the perfect venue for events, celebrations and weddings thanks equipped its rooms and its spectacular park secolare di 8.000 m2. Agli eventi business e leisure la Villa affiancherà un’ospitalità di charme con 13 eleganti camere, oltre a un centro benessere, ideale per soggiorni ‘in uso esclusivo’ nel Monferrato a pochi chilometri dalle Langhe.
‘Il recupero di Villa Pattono nasce dalla volontà di riportare al suo splendore questa storica dimora di famiglia e di valorizzare il territorio circostante’ afferma Pietro Ratti che continua ‘Villa Pattono sarà un unicum nel Monferrato a offrire uno spazio per eventi di livello e di prestigio’.
Per maggiori informazioni:Villa Pattono
Frazione Annunziata
14055 Costigliole d’Asti
Tel. +39 0173 529225
E 'Marcenasco 2006 Renato Ratti Barolo to lead the standings prestigious' Top 100 2010' the magazine 'Wine Enthusiast'. Among the most influential heads of the international wine industry, the magazine has awarded the U.S. for the first time an Italian wine, choosing the famous Piedmont red wine produced from Renato Ratti.
'We are proud of this award which recognizes the commitment and dedication of the company' says owner Pietro Ratti of Renato Ratti winery that continues' Barolo Marcenasco is still one of the most appreciated wines in the wine Italian and internationally and is a great honor to represent the Italian wine Barolo and for the first time in this important ranking '.
E 'in the rolling hills of the Langhe Barolo are the vineyards of Marcenasco, named after an area whose ancient origins are confirmed by documents testifying to the cultivation of Nebbiolo grapes already in the twelfth century. Wine with intense aroma and full bodied Barolo DOCG 2006 Marcenasco contains the typical features of the area of \u200b\u200bLa Morra, the home of Renato Ratti Cantina.
Not far away, in Costigliole d'Asti in the Monferrato, the Ratti family provides for summer 2011 opening Pattono Villa, a country mansion in 1700, destined to become the perfect venue for events, celebrations and weddings thanks equipped its rooms and its spectacular park secolare di 8.000 m2. Agli eventi business e leisure la Villa affiancherà un’ospitalità di charme con 13 eleganti camere, oltre a un centro benessere, ideale per soggiorni ‘in uso esclusivo’ nel Monferrato a pochi chilometri dalle Langhe.
‘Il recupero di Villa Pattono nasce dalla volontà di riportare al suo splendore questa storica dimora di famiglia e di valorizzare il territorio circostante’ afferma Pietro Ratti che continua ‘Villa Pattono sarà un unicum nel Monferrato a offrire uno spazio per eventi di livello e di prestigio’.
Per maggiori informazioni:Villa Pattono
Frazione Annunziata
14055 Costigliole d’Asti
Tel. +39 0173 529225
Monday, December 13, 2010
How Much Oil Do You Need In Sausage Roll Pastry?
I mondiali di Calcio hanno promosso il turismo in Sudafrica
have been disclosed in recent days, the results of a survey conducted by South African Tourism and South African National Department of Tourism to measure ' impact that the World Cup has had on tourism in the country. "There is no doubt - said Minister of Tourism, Marthinus van Schalkwyk - that the World Cup have left a positive and lasting legacy to our country and our tourism industry."
These numbers most interesting
more than 309,000 visitors (309,554) arrived in South Africa with the primary intent to attend matches of World Cup Soccer; of these arrivals, 38% came from Africa, Europe 24%, 13% from South America and Central America, 11% from North America, in the aggregate tourists spent more than 3.6 billion Rand (approximately EUR 400 million), most of them in shopping (31%), accommodation (20%), food and wine (19%) and entertainment (16% ), the Gauteng, which has hosted most of the matches, was the province most visited with over 220 thousand tourists, followed by Western Cape (108 000) and KwaZulu-Natal (83 000), the average length of stay of visitors was 10.3 nights, the
72% dei turisti ha definito la propria esperienza di viaggio in Sudafrica come “estremamente buona”, il 90% ha dichiarato di voler prendere in considerazione un viaggio in Sudafrica anche in futuro e il 96% di raccomandare la destinazione ad amici e parenti; la conoscenza del Sudafrica come destinazione turistica è cresciuta del 9% e l’intenzione di visitare il Paese ha avuto un incremento generale del 35%.
«Abbiamo lavorato tanto per questo evento – prosegue il Ministro - e i risultati premiano i nostri sforzi. I Mondiali non sono stati solo un grande evento sportivo, ma soprattutto un grande passo avanti per il nostro Paese e in particolare una grande eredità per la nostra industria del turismo in termini di infrastructure development, economic growth, expansion of the receptive, creation of jobs, national identity and affirmation of the country. Even on the basis of the results of this research, I can say with certainty that the success of the 2010 World Cup will have on South Africa, and the entire African continent, for many years to come. "
In terms of arrivals during the World Cup, the best performance in Europe, ranked as the second after the Africa continent. Stand out in particular the arrivals from the UK (22,802), Netherlands (8741) and Germany (8. 596). From Italy came about 4000 tourists (3978) to attend the matches, a number that has contributed the general growth in arrivals from Italy to South Africa in 2010. The data currently available certify an increase of 9.7% from January to September, compared with the same months of 2009. In September alone there was an increase of 12.5%, a sign that the Italians have chosen South Africa even after the big event.
"We are very pleased with this result - says Lance Littlefield, Country Manager of South African Tourism Italy. - Beyond the peak of arrivals in June, which alone recorded an 73.6%, excellent data are also reported after the event to tell us that our country is an increasingly popular and more choice by the Italians. " In general, in September 2010, international arrivals in South Africa recorded a 16.8% over the first nine months of 2009, some 6 million visitors (5,944,568).
have been disclosed in recent days, the results of a survey conducted by South African Tourism and South African National Department of Tourism to measure ' impact that the World Cup has had on tourism in the country. "There is no doubt - said Minister of Tourism, Marthinus van Schalkwyk - that the World Cup have left a positive and lasting legacy to our country and our tourism industry."
These numbers most interesting
more than 309,000 visitors (309,554) arrived in South Africa with the primary intent to attend matches of World Cup Soccer; of these arrivals, 38% came from Africa, Europe 24%, 13% from South America and Central America, 11% from North America, in the aggregate tourists spent more than 3.6 billion Rand (approximately EUR 400 million), most of them in shopping (31%), accommodation (20%), food and wine (19%) and entertainment (16% ), the Gauteng, which has hosted most of the matches, was the province most visited with over 220 thousand tourists, followed by Western Cape (108 000) and KwaZulu-Natal (83 000), the average length of stay of visitors was 10.3 nights, the
72% dei turisti ha definito la propria esperienza di viaggio in Sudafrica come “estremamente buona”, il 90% ha dichiarato di voler prendere in considerazione un viaggio in Sudafrica anche in futuro e il 96% di raccomandare la destinazione ad amici e parenti; la conoscenza del Sudafrica come destinazione turistica è cresciuta del 9% e l’intenzione di visitare il Paese ha avuto un incremento generale del 35%.
«Abbiamo lavorato tanto per questo evento – prosegue il Ministro - e i risultati premiano i nostri sforzi. I Mondiali non sono stati solo un grande evento sportivo, ma soprattutto un grande passo avanti per il nostro Paese e in particolare una grande eredità per la nostra industria del turismo in termini di infrastructure development, economic growth, expansion of the receptive, creation of jobs, national identity and affirmation of the country. Even on the basis of the results of this research, I can say with certainty that the success of the 2010 World Cup will have on South Africa, and the entire African continent, for many years to come. "
In terms of arrivals during the World Cup, the best performance in Europe, ranked as the second after the Africa continent. Stand out in particular the arrivals from the UK (22,802), Netherlands (8741) and Germany (8. 596). From Italy came about 4000 tourists (3978) to attend the matches, a number that has contributed the general growth in arrivals from Italy to South Africa in 2010. The data currently available certify an increase of 9.7% from January to September, compared with the same months of 2009. In September alone there was an increase of 12.5%, a sign that the Italians have chosen South Africa even after the big event.
"We are very pleased with this result - says Lance Littlefield, Country Manager of South African Tourism Italy. - Beyond the peak of arrivals in June, which alone recorded an 73.6%, excellent data are also reported after the event to tell us that our country is an increasingly popular and more choice by the Italians. " In general, in September 2010, international arrivals in South Africa recorded a 16.8% over the first nine months of 2009, some 6 million visitors (5,944,568).
Friday, December 10, 2010
Meralgia Paresthetica Anyone
Crociere di Lusso per una vacanza da VIP
Privacy, comfort and exclusive services. Cruise passengers enjoy the luxury suites and prove it by choosing the Yacht Club was revealed in a survey sponsored by the portal specializing in cruises, cruises We showed that 23% of our customers dream of a holiday at sea worthy of 5 star hotel luxury.
VIP areas like 45% of respondents that provide comfort and exclusivity, and a range of services that consider important when choosing the cruise ship: Conciergerie panoramic lounge, SPA and direct access to the recreational areas. For 37% of the Yacht Club is the ideal solution because the suites are spacious and elegantly furnished rooms, allow you to live a dream trip, unique experience that is worth trying at least once in their lifetime.
"The cruise is even more enjoyable if you choose the suite of the Yacht Club, said Joseph Gambardella, founder of We Cruises. The best cruise lines in addition to maintaining high quality standards with regard to the cabins, have several offers for cruise vacations "luxury" reserved areas in the preserve of celebrities or those who want a holiday very important person. "18 % lovers Yacht Club consider it essential to travel in restricted areas because they love the privacy that only unique suite can give during navigation.
"Luxury like to cruise passengers, already accustomed to exclusive travel on a cruise. The VIP areas allow passengers to be agents of their own holiday thanks to a personalized service that gives the feeling of living in a ship in the ship; panoramic restaurants, spas and gifts are always different every day. " The luxury cruise especially like women who dream of being pampered and spoiled like real princesses, during their vacation. Among fans of the fairer sex exclusive trips accounting for 62%, mentre i crocieristi uomini desiderosi di vivere una vacanza “luxury” sono il 38%.
“Il gentil sesso ama le cose belle ed uniche, per questo sempre più donne richiedono ad una crociera l’esclusività dei servizi e la personalizzazione del viaggio. Conclude Gambardella. Ma il bello è comunque appannaggio anche degli uomini. Vivere una settimana da Vip è in fondo il sogno di ognuno di noi”
Privacy, comfort and exclusive services. Cruise passengers enjoy the luxury suites and prove it by choosing the Yacht Club was revealed in a survey sponsored by the portal specializing in cruises, cruises We showed that 23% of our customers dream of a holiday at sea worthy of 5 star hotel luxury.
VIP areas like 45% of respondents that provide comfort and exclusivity, and a range of services that consider important when choosing the cruise ship: Conciergerie panoramic lounge, SPA and direct access to the recreational areas. For 37% of the Yacht Club is the ideal solution because the suites are spacious and elegantly furnished rooms, allow you to live a dream trip, unique experience that is worth trying at least once in their lifetime.
"The cruise is even more enjoyable if you choose the suite of the Yacht Club, said Joseph Gambardella, founder of We Cruises. The best cruise lines in addition to maintaining high quality standards with regard to the cabins, have several offers for cruise vacations "luxury" reserved areas in the preserve of celebrities or those who want a holiday very important person. "18 % lovers Yacht Club consider it essential to travel in restricted areas because they love the privacy that only unique suite can give during navigation.
"Luxury like to cruise passengers, already accustomed to exclusive travel on a cruise. The VIP areas allow passengers to be agents of their own holiday thanks to a personalized service that gives the feeling of living in a ship in the ship; panoramic restaurants, spas and gifts are always different every day. " The luxury cruise especially like women who dream of being pampered and spoiled like real princesses, during their vacation. Among fans of the fairer sex exclusive trips accounting for 62%, mentre i crocieristi uomini desiderosi di vivere una vacanza “luxury” sono il 38%.
“Il gentil sesso ama le cose belle ed uniche, per questo sempre più donne richiedono ad una crociera l’esclusività dei servizi e la personalizzazione del viaggio. Conclude Gambardella. Ma il bello è comunque appannaggio anche degli uomini. Vivere una settimana da Vip è in fondo il sogno di ognuno di noi”
Tuesday, December 7, 2010
What Is The Best Spray Paint
Cycling Ski Challenge 2010: sulle Dolomiti vince Chiappucci
Tantissima neve, frutto delle abbondanti nevicate degli ultimi giorni, e uno splendido cielo azzurro hanno fatto da cornice, tra le montagne di Dolomiti Stars, al Cycling Ski Challenge 2010 vinto dallo straordinario asso della bicicletta Claudio Chiappucci.
"El Diablo", always among the best in all editions of the race, he crushed the competition in the second giant slalom raced in the ski area Falcade Passo San Pellegrino-confirming, finally, also a keen skier. "I am very happy with this victory - said Chiappucci - after cycling, a sport I love most is definitely skiing. After six years, the cycling Ski Challenge has become a key event for me. This is, in fact, a truly unique opportunity to spend a few days in the snow with friends on two wheels. "
To complete the parade of stars on the slopes of the Dolomiti Stars many other famous faces from the cycling and sports such as Liquigas Team Manager Roberto Amadio, Rally champion Luca Rossetti, the former world champion Moreno Argentin and the head coach of the Italian National Road Cycling Paolo Bettini, "forced" by his former fellow bike, used to see him in the head to pull the group to participate in the second run of slalom. "Dolomiti Stars gave me a nice gift just come to this event - said Bettini -. I could take a break from the commitments of the national team and spend two days of sport and entertainment together with old friends. I came last but it was still a great experience .. see, I'll just make the coming year. "
Great success also for the traditional convivial dinner held Monday evening in the presence of many representatives of the cycling world and the provincial political authorities: the Mayor of Belluno Antonio Prado, the 'Councillor for Sports of the City of Feltre Alberto Curtis, president of the Dolomites Tourism Renzo Minella and, last but not least, the landlord and chairman of the Dolomiti Stars Sergio Pra.
"The mountain is not just skiing - Sergio Pra just debuted in his welcoming speech - and I think that there is no 'best opportunity of this event, starring the great champions of cycling challenge with skis on their feet, to go to Witness the province of Belluno del Giro d’Italia. La carovana rosa, nei quattro anni di collaborazione con RCS Sport, ha portato molto fortuna a Dolomiti Stars e sono felice che anche la Val Belluna creda nel ciclismo come veicolo di promozione”.
“Non posso che essere contento e ringraziare Dolomiti Stars – ha commentato a sua volta Prade, Sindaco di Belluno. Solo lavorando in perfetta sinergia si possono ottenere risultati importanti per tutto il territorio. Il Giro d’Italia ha un audience internazionale e senza dubbio i risultati di questo investimento, in termini di numero di turisti, non tarderanno ad arrivare.”
Perfettamente d’accodo anche Curto, Assessore allo Sport del Comune di Feltre: “Non dobbiamo pensare al Giro d’Italia solo come il giorno del passaggio della tappa. Bisogna lavorare per creare una serie di eventi collaterali che diano ancora maggiore visibilità e notorietà alle nostre località turistiche”.
Tantissima neve, frutto delle abbondanti nevicate degli ultimi giorni, e uno splendido cielo azzurro hanno fatto da cornice, tra le montagne di Dolomiti Stars, al Cycling Ski Challenge 2010 vinto dallo straordinario asso della bicicletta Claudio Chiappucci.
"El Diablo", always among the best in all editions of the race, he crushed the competition in the second giant slalom raced in the ski area Falcade Passo San Pellegrino-confirming, finally, also a keen skier. "I am very happy with this victory - said Chiappucci - after cycling, a sport I love most is definitely skiing. After six years, the cycling Ski Challenge has become a key event for me. This is, in fact, a truly unique opportunity to spend a few days in the snow with friends on two wheels. "
To complete the parade of stars on the slopes of the Dolomiti Stars many other famous faces from the cycling and sports such as Liquigas Team Manager Roberto Amadio, Rally champion Luca Rossetti, the former world champion Moreno Argentin and the head coach of the Italian National Road Cycling Paolo Bettini, "forced" by his former fellow bike, used to see him in the head to pull the group to participate in the second run of slalom. "Dolomiti Stars gave me a nice gift just come to this event - said Bettini -. I could take a break from the commitments of the national team and spend two days of sport and entertainment together with old friends. I came last but it was still a great experience .. see, I'll just make the coming year. "
Great success also for the traditional convivial dinner held Monday evening in the presence of many representatives of the cycling world and the provincial political authorities: the Mayor of Belluno Antonio Prado, the 'Councillor for Sports of the City of Feltre Alberto Curtis, president of the Dolomites Tourism Renzo Minella and, last but not least, the landlord and chairman of the Dolomiti Stars Sergio Pra.
"The mountain is not just skiing - Sergio Pra just debuted in his welcoming speech - and I think that there is no 'best opportunity of this event, starring the great champions of cycling challenge with skis on their feet, to go to Witness the province of Belluno del Giro d’Italia. La carovana rosa, nei quattro anni di collaborazione con RCS Sport, ha portato molto fortuna a Dolomiti Stars e sono felice che anche la Val Belluna creda nel ciclismo come veicolo di promozione”.
“Non posso che essere contento e ringraziare Dolomiti Stars – ha commentato a sua volta Prade, Sindaco di Belluno. Solo lavorando in perfetta sinergia si possono ottenere risultati importanti per tutto il territorio. Il Giro d’Italia ha un audience internazionale e senza dubbio i risultati di questo investimento, in termini di numero di turisti, non tarderanno ad arrivare.”
Perfettamente d’accodo anche Curto, Assessore allo Sport del Comune di Feltre: “Non dobbiamo pensare al Giro d’Italia solo come il giorno del passaggio della tappa. Bisogna lavorare per creare una serie di eventi collaterali che diano ancora maggiore visibilità e notorietà alle nostre località turistiche”.
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
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Gemellaggio Toscana e Giappone: l'olio toscano conquista Kanramachi
Il gemellaggio culturale tra il Comune di Certaldo e la città giapponese di Kanramachi ha ventisette anni, ma da quattro anni a questa parte l’interesse dei gemelli nipponici verso le aziende di prodotti tipici locali si è fatto più consistente e continuativo, tanto da rappresentare un importante, seppur piccolo, canale di vendita, per diverse aziende.
È quanto è emerso durante la conferenza stampa di stamani, che ha illustrato i contenuti del recente Order wine and oil companies came directly from the city of Kanramachi. The result of an order in early November tour organized by the Municipality of Certaldo in collaboration with the Development Agency for Empoli Val d'Elsa delegation came specially to test the products, which will be imported in retail outlet dedicated to Italian products that the administration Japan runs on its own.
This is an order of 5,500 bottles of wine, 2,700 of olive oil, and other small quantities of vin santo, grappa, wine vinegar and aromatic, with a total turnover of approximately € 30,000. An increase of approximately 1,000 units compared to last year, compared to 3,000 two years ago, a sign that una volta arrivati sugli scaffali i prodotti incontrano il favore dei consumatori giapponesi e di anno in anno si deve rinnovare e potenziare l’ordinativo. Queste le aziende che, fra le tante testate, hanno ricevuto l’ordine: Frantoio Cooperativo Valdesano, Casale, Poggio Regini, Poggiagrilli, Fratelli Corsi, Fratelli Pecci, Fratelli Vagnoni.
“Siamo felici che il gemellaggio, che è nato e vive soprattutto come incontro e scambio tra culture diverse, sia riuscito ad aprire e sviluppare anche un canale commerciale tra i due Paesi – dice l’assessore ai gemellaggi, Giacomo Cucini – crediamo che questo sia frutto anche del rapporto di reciproca stima e fiducia tra le città maturato in questi anni, so much so that Kanramachi crest of Certaldo, such as picture or image of Praetorian Palace Giovanni Boccaccio, are reproduced in numerous public and private places, a sign of friendship and a real interest in Italian culture. "
is positive, even beyond the economic aspect, the experience of companies that have accepted this new challenge: "We are satisfied because beyond the sale of products buyers Nipponese were very demanding, attentive to the production process and the quality of the product - they said Eliano Arzilli, President of the Frantoio Cooperative Valdes, and Maurizio Rossi, Poggio Regini Company - contact us gave incentives to keep high quality and innovate our marketing. "
"This is a useful initiative to all companies Valdelsa - Cook concludes - and we are pleased that the number of those who participated in this project has increased over the years."
Il gemellaggio culturale tra il Comune di Certaldo e la città giapponese di Kanramachi ha ventisette anni, ma da quattro anni a questa parte l’interesse dei gemelli nipponici verso le aziende di prodotti tipici locali si è fatto più consistente e continuativo, tanto da rappresentare un importante, seppur piccolo, canale di vendita, per diverse aziende.
È quanto è emerso durante la conferenza stampa di stamani, che ha illustrato i contenuti del recente Order wine and oil companies came directly from the city of Kanramachi. The result of an order in early November tour organized by the Municipality of Certaldo in collaboration with the Development Agency for Empoli Val d'Elsa delegation came specially to test the products, which will be imported in retail outlet dedicated to Italian products that the administration Japan runs on its own.
This is an order of 5,500 bottles of wine, 2,700 of olive oil, and other small quantities of vin santo, grappa, wine vinegar and aromatic, with a total turnover of approximately € 30,000. An increase of approximately 1,000 units compared to last year, compared to 3,000 two years ago, a sign that una volta arrivati sugli scaffali i prodotti incontrano il favore dei consumatori giapponesi e di anno in anno si deve rinnovare e potenziare l’ordinativo. Queste le aziende che, fra le tante testate, hanno ricevuto l’ordine: Frantoio Cooperativo Valdesano, Casale, Poggio Regini, Poggiagrilli, Fratelli Corsi, Fratelli Pecci, Fratelli Vagnoni.
“Siamo felici che il gemellaggio, che è nato e vive soprattutto come incontro e scambio tra culture diverse, sia riuscito ad aprire e sviluppare anche un canale commerciale tra i due Paesi – dice l’assessore ai gemellaggi, Giacomo Cucini – crediamo che questo sia frutto anche del rapporto di reciproca stima e fiducia tra le città maturato in questi anni, so much so that Kanramachi crest of Certaldo, such as picture or image of Praetorian Palace Giovanni Boccaccio, are reproduced in numerous public and private places, a sign of friendship and a real interest in Italian culture. "
is positive, even beyond the economic aspect, the experience of companies that have accepted this new challenge: "We are satisfied because beyond the sale of products buyers Nipponese were very demanding, attentive to the production process and the quality of the product - they said Eliano Arzilli, President of the Frantoio Cooperative Valdes, and Maurizio Rossi, Poggio Regini Company - contact us gave incentives to keep high quality and innovate our marketing. "
"This is a useful initiative to all companies Valdelsa - Cook concludes - and we are pleased that the number of those who participated in this project has increased over the years."
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