Tuesday, December 7, 2010

What Is The Best Spray Paint

Cycling Ski Challenge 2010: sulle Dolomiti vince Chiappucci

Tantissima neve, frutto delle abbondanti nevicate degli ultimi giorni, e uno splendido cielo azzurro hanno fatto da cornice, tra le montagne di Dolomiti Stars, al Cycling Ski Challenge 2010 vinto dallo straordinario asso della bicicletta Claudio Chiappucci.
"El Diablo", always among the best in all editions of the race, he crushed the competition in the second giant slalom raced in the ski area Falcade Passo San Pellegrino-confirming, finally, also a keen skier. "I am very happy with this victory - said Chiappucci - after cycling, a sport I love most is definitely skiing. After six years, the cycling Ski Challenge has become a key event for me. This is, in fact, a truly unique opportunity to spend a few days in the snow with friends on two wheels. "

To complete the parade of stars on the slopes of the Dolomiti Stars many other famous faces from the cycling and sports such as Liquigas Team Manager Roberto Amadio, Rally champion Luca Rossetti, the former world champion Moreno Argentin and the head coach of the Italian National Road Cycling Paolo Bettini, "forced" by his former fellow bike, used to see him in the head to pull the group to participate in the second run of slalom. "Dolomiti Stars gave me a nice gift just come to this event - said Bettini -. I could take a break from the commitments of the national team and spend two days of sport and entertainment together with old friends. I came last but it was still a great experience .. see, I'll just make the coming year. "

Great success also for the traditional convivial dinner held Monday evening in the presence of many representatives of the cycling world and the provincial political authorities: the Mayor of Belluno Antonio Prado, the 'Councillor for Sports of the City of Feltre Alberto Curtis, president of the Dolomites Tourism Renzo Minella and, last but not least, the landlord and chairman of the Dolomiti Stars Sergio Pra.
"The mountain is not just skiing - Sergio Pra just debuted in his welcoming speech - and I think that there is no 'best opportunity of this event, starring the great champions of cycling challenge with skis on their feet, to go to Witness the province of Belluno del Giro d’Italia. La carovana rosa, nei quattro anni di collaborazione con RCS Sport, ha portato molto fortuna a Dolomiti Stars e sono felice che anche la Val Belluna creda nel ciclismo come veicolo di promozione”.

“Non posso che essere contento e ringraziare Dolomiti Stars – ha commentato a sua volta Prade, Sindaco di Belluno. Solo lavorando in perfetta sinergia si possono ottenere risultati importanti per tutto il territorio. Il Giro d’Italia ha un audience internazionale e senza dubbio i risultati di questo investimento, in termini di numero di turisti, non tarderanno ad arrivare.”

Perfettamente d’accodo anche Curto, Assessore allo Sport del Comune di Feltre: “Non dobbiamo pensare al Giro d’Italia solo come il giorno del passaggio della tappa. Bisogna lavorare per creare una serie di eventi collaterali che diano ancora maggiore visibilità e notorietà alle nostre località turistiche”.


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