Thursday, December 23, 2010

How Can Replace A Rizla

I single partono per rimorchiare, Il 29% sceglie la vacanza per conoscere nuovi amici

An eye to the heart and a portfolio: singles choose the holiday of dreams. According to a survey of tour operators Speed \u200b\u200bVacations, which specializes in vacation cruises for singles, 29% of free spirits admits that the factor that most influences the choice of holiday is the opportunity to meet new people.
The need to save money and get the most fun at the lowest possible cost concerns 21% of singles who confesses considerare il costo, il primo fattore che condiziona le preferenze di viaggio.
“Per chi parte da solo è fondamentale conoscere gente nuova con cui condividere l’emozione del viaggio. Per questo si tendono a scegliere tipologie di vacanza o mete che favoriscono l’aggregazione. In un momento di crisi, tuttavia, è importante anche tenere sott’occhio il prezzo, soprattutto per i single che devono affrontare il costo del supplemento singola. Molti preferiscono rivolgersi così a quei tour operator che organizzano vacanze di gruppo e che permettono di condividere la sistemazione” spiega Giuseppe Gambardella, fondatore di Speed Vacanze e Speed Date, società che organizza eventi per single.
Il 19% degli spiriti free, however, priority to the presence of an animation team to book a holiday. The attendants, tour guides and facilitators, in fact, help even the most timid to break the ice and make new friends during vacanza.Vi then 18% of passengers erupted for which it is essential to the quality of the host, so be considered the determining factor for choosing a destination rather than another.

"Most of the single party alone because their holidays do not coincide with those of friends or because their circle of friends consists mainly of couples. In this situation plays a key role in the animation that facilitates socialization through excursions and entertainment activities. In my experience many students leave to find new friends, and some are even something more, maybe a new love, "says Gambardella." Usually those who decide to leave alone has a large open-mindedness, especially when they are young people between 30 to 40 years. The intention is to discover new places, but also new people and new modes of travel. Adapting to a different kitchen is really the minimum and often proves to be very nice! "Says Gambardella.


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